🍅Are You Sure🌸

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(Sasusaku blank period snippet)


She was standing on the edge of a rather tall cliff when he found her, looking out across the vast nighttime sky that was full of bright and twinkling stars that stretched out across the far horizon; past what the eyes could visually see. The soft winds were blowing her longer, pink hair (which she had pulled up into a low ponytail at her back) around her form as he approached her slowly; her appearance could be considered angelic, as she stood out sharply under the glow of the stars that shined down around her. The lone Uchiha watched her knee length dress brush against her shapely legs as it blew gently on the cool breeze and smiled softly to himself, as memories of her spending hours shopping for that specific dress began to flash across his mind in rapid succession. When the young man was just a few feet away from her however, he stopped; quietly observing her for a few seconds before deciding to finally speak up.

"Sakura," the dark-haired man called out to the woman softly, but he already knew that she had sensed him approaching and he watched as she slowly turn to face him. The bright moonlight was casting a soft glow against Sakura's visible skin; her pink hair and vibrant green eyes stood out harshly against the darkened sky behind her and he watched anxiously as she slowly looked up to meet his dark eyes. 'She's so... beautiful,' Sasuke thought, before nausea hit, as he observed the openly blank expression on her otherwise striking features. This was a highly unusual occurrence for someone like Sakura, whom was normally so full of life; bright and expressive.

Sasuke swallowed past the thick lump that was beginning to form in the back of his throat as he attempting to remain stoic; which was his normal expression as he tried to hide away all of his emotions, from even her; fear beginning to grip at his heart with a vice-like hold. "Are you having second thoughts, Sakura?" Sasuke really hoped that she wasn't. He knew what he wanted, it was so clear to him now and in just moments, (if she agreed to continue with their current plan) the man knew that he would be the happiest that he had ever been... in a very, very long time. But it was all riding on her decision, and so he waited; watching her... hoping that she hadn't changed her mind, as he was beginning to fear that she had.

Sakura slowly approached him with measured, calm steps before coming to a stop before him; her bright irises never leaving his darker ones as she moved. She then tilted her head back slightly when she was close enough to make it hard for her to see his face properly. She observed him a moment, her eyes searching for... something. He let her take her time... it was his turn to wait for her after all; for the young shinobi knew that he had made her wait far too long and far too many times to keep track of. He could be patient... for her; she was worth it.

'Only you, Sakura...'

She lifted her hand and placed it gently against his cheek before a warm smile spread across her face; her green orbs began to glisten with tears and his expression softened. 'Damn it, I'm always making her cry...,' he began to curse himself, but Sakura quickly squashed his growing panic when she brought his head down towards hers; placed a gentle, soft kiss to his lips before pulling away slowly. "Never would I ever have second thoughts about this, Sasuke-kun. I know what I want... and it's you. For the rest of my life and thereafter... I want to be by your side. I want to support you always and I want to love you with all the passion in the world. I love you, Sasuke-kun. I'm ready."

Sasuke smiled softly, one that was only reserved for his soon-to-be wife, before turning to walk back down the steep cliffside; only coming to a stop when he realized that Sakura hadn't even taken a single step. He turned his head slightly to observe her with a raised brow. "Come along now Sakura, or we'll be late," the Uchiha said before slowly moving forward once more. Sakura quickly caught up to him, walking side by side with him down the small dirt path that led towards a small village. He grasped her smaller hand in his and squeezed it lightly as they made their way to the small chapel ahead; as they made their way towards their future.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now