Echoes of Memories (Echoes of the Past)

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Vampire Sasuke, reincarnated Sakura. An AU snippet.


Sasuke couldn't fathom it.

How could he have been too late to save her, his beloved Sakura, from a fate as tragic as this one.

Her crimson blood was everywhere, surrounding him on all sides... even coating parts of him in its congealing liquid... as he held her deceased corpse tightly against his chest; a single hot tear trailing down from each of his onyx-colored eyes as he gazed at her now frozen form. He leaned down to press a gentle, affectionate kiss to her forehead before whispering softly into her unhearing ear... the echoes of which were now long gone from her memory, as memories were known to flee in death.

"I will find you in your next life, my beloved. And when I do, nothing will ever keep us apart again, Sakura. Nothing will keep you from me again. Mark my words. I will protect you this time, at any cost."

That was his vow to her.
To his beloved blossom.

He would find her again and this time, he swore to himself that he would never let her go.


Years later...

From the shadows, life emerges.

'Birth and death go hand in hand,' Sasuke supposed as he watched the young mother-to-be struggling on the bed to give birth to her first child. Sweat was dripping, no pouring down her temples and chin... and her blonde-colored hair was a tangled mess as it lay sprawled across the sheets. 'I do hope she survives. The last one didn't...,' he thought as he stained his neck for a better view of the scene that was laid out before him.

Sasuke's position in the shadows made it difficult for him to see much of anything at all and he almost growled in frustration as time ticked on slowly. A few hours passed by when finally, the woman somehow managed to give birth to her child; a tightly lipped smile gracing her cheeks when the tiny babe was placed onto her chest.

A single cry was heard moments later and Sasuke's face contorted into displeasure. 'A boy. How... disappointing.'

The next three leads he got were the same... and Sasuke was beginning to grow desperate; his mind slowly warping and changing to make him a more bitter and spiteful man. Now, the Uchiha only wished for their deaths, wishing pain upon them all for causing him so much grief and turmoil.

Then it finally happened. The one moment that Sasuke had been anxiously waiting almost three full centuries for.

Sakura Haruno was born.

It happened during a random trip to Suna; his mind tired of hearing his family's pleas for him to stop his searching and in need of a small break to gather his thoughts, in order to formulate a new strategy for finding Sakura.

The mother-to-be had stopped for a bite to eat at the same diner in which he now sat in and he had only observed her for a second... not even sparing her more of a glance than that... when she cried out in pain. He watched on as other patrons surrounded her, someone yelling to call the police and get help fast while Sasuke continued to slowly drink his coffee, face void of any emotion.


A tiny bundle was dropped on the floor and then wrapped in someone's coat; the newborn crying incessantly as she was placed into her mother's awaiting arms. Something wasn't right though. Sasuke's eye caught a glimpse of pink and he nearly spit his drink back out as he quickly placed it on the table, before rising to his feet.

He made slow and steady progress towards the crowd of onlookers, ignoring their strange glances as he forced his way past them and to the mother's side. She was pale, too pale; her blood was everywhere... her heartbeat was slow.

He knelt down beside her, a knowing look seemed to pass over her face, and she slowly lifted the still screaming child up to him. "Please, keep her safe," she managed to choke out as more blood bubbles up and spilt from the corner of her lips. It wasn't until he saw the life leaving her eyes, the small weak wavering in her arms, that he took the babe in his arms. Sasuke watched on silently as she took her last breath, before his attention was brought to the screaming newborn.

The tiny bundle was also pale... though she had a vibrant blush to her cheeks, an indication that she was healthy. The coat she was wrapped in fell away as she wiggled in his grasp and tiny tuffs of pink sprang up from her scalp.

His hand moved to her head... his large palm completely encircling it and his undead heart began to pound. 'No... it can't be, can it? Is it really her? Is it really Sakura?'

His body began to tremble and he rose to his feet, ignoring the frantic scene surrounding him as he carried the tiny newborn out of the diner and into the midday heat of Suna. He began to rock her as he made his way down the street, for some reason nobody had tried to stop him from taking her, and unconsciously began to sing a soft melody... that his mother had once sung to him.

The deep trimmers vibrated against her as he bounced her gently and slowly, she began to relax and quiet in his arms as he passed by building after building... making his way back to his hotel room. Once there, Sasuke placed her on the bed and the coat sleeves fell away to reveal just how tiny and fragile she really was.

'What if this isn't my Sakura? What if I just stole a random baby? What will I do with her... yeah, it's a her... if is not my beloved—'

His dark eyes widened significantly as the babe looked up at him, green irises shining brightly in the midday sun as her arms and legs failed about, though she remained silent as she seemed to simply observe him. His heart pounded when recognition hit him... hard.

Slowly, he approached her.

A single, warm tear ran down from each of his eyes as he reached one of his hands down to place a lone finger into her outstretched hand. The babe gripped onto it tightly as he bent to press a gentle kiss to the top of her forehead.

'It is you, my beloved cherry blossom. Never shall we part again. I swear it.'


Author's Notes:
If any of these sound like your own writing or another you have read, I apologize but I didn't copy anyone's work. This is entirely my own writing.

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