You're Not Allowed

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In the middle of battle, she's growing more and more careless; Sasuke (her superior/lover) is not happy about it.

Warriors Sasuke & Sakura; an au snippet.

(Yes, this one is very similar to another snippet that I wrote a little while ago, but I saw a picture on Twitter & this idea came to me; so, I decided to go with it... please, don't hate me for it!)


Metal swords (of all shapes and sizes) clanged and banged when they came together...

... the sound piercing the midday skies...

... while other weapons (with varying degrees of sharpness and length) clashed and flew; enemy being pitted against enemy.

—So was the way of war—

Luckily for Konoha... they were winning; by leaps and bounds.

Their village's numbers were far greater than those of their foe and their warriors were much, much stronger. A force to be reckoned with that could take down even the most resilient of men.

Sasuke's gaze moved about as he sliced through yet another body and the Uchiha watched (with great satisfaction) as his second in command cut down two men at once; sword in each hand while a large smirk pulled at his thin lips. Naruto was a very good fighter; even if he wasn't the sharpest tool in Sasuke's arsenal.

No... that title fell to one of the only females in his squadron; the one that was standing directly to his right. As if on cue... as if she could sense his gaze and thoughts shift towards her... Sakura turned.


With her playful simper and brilliant green orbs, alight with a passion for the kill that he had never seen in any other woman before, Sakura almost looked as if she was enjoying this a little too much; however, Sasuke knew that wasn't the case. She simply liked putting people in their place and fighting for those who were dear to her heart.

She shifted her stance slightly, so that she could easily kick at one of her assailants to push him to the side while she crossed blades with another. It almost looked as if she was dancing; movements so fluid in their execution that it was as if the whole entire thing was choreographed.

Sakura was so sure of herself that she nearly got decapitated when her focus shifted from one of her attackers... and if it wasn't for Sasuke's quick reflexes... the pinkette's opponent would have probably succeeded in killing her. She only rolled her eyes at her superior when he tried to (angrily)  reprimand her for her lack of focus; completely ignorant (or simply not caring) of Sasuke's rising temper.

His eyes narrowed as rage and irritation swirled within him and he turned fully to face her after hitting his target with one final (fatal) blow.

"Sakura." Sasuke waited for her to glance at him before continuing; black eyes holding hers as he openly seethed... knuckles turning a bright shade of white against his sword's hilt. Sasuke took one menacing step towards her. "Come here. Now!"

... cautiously...
... she approached.

Enemies appeared to give the pair a wide birth. It was as if they could sense the elevated emotions rising between the two warriors and when Sakura finally stopped... leaving only a few feet between them... he acted. He sheathed his sword and reached for her.

"Sakura," he hissed and grasped her chin roughly between his fingers before pulling her close. "You are not allowed to die." His dark irises grew hard as a flash of irritation shot threw hers. He pulled her closer with the other hand that wrapped itself around the back of her head; holding her in place so she couldn't escape his scolding. "Do you understand me? Answer!"

... ... ...

"Yes," she growled; eyes vibrant and defiant; but he knew that she was also aware that he meant business...

... and she never went against his word because his word was absolute.

She also knew that it stemmed from his worry for her safety... and Sakura secretly loved it.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now