Dead North 🧟‍♀️

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Sasuke keeps his infected wife on a tight leash... literally. He's desperately searching for a cure... but will he be too late to save her?

Ex. Soldier Sasuke & zombie Sakura. An AU one-shot. A post-apocalyptic time period style fic.



'How did we end up like this, Sakura? Why did it come to this; right here, right now? Why didn't you let them just kill me? If you had, you wouldn't be—'


'I can't let your sacrifice go in vain. I can't let you continue to suffer from this horrible disease. I will find the cure that my brother has told me about. Move North, he said. Well, guess what, you're coming with me... and together we will make you better. We will save you. I will save you, Sakura. No matter what it takes.'

5 months later...

Moving North.
To another day.
And another town.

(But this time, it would be different because fate had other plans for them.)

His wife's head cocked to the side, the thick chains around her neck jingling as they slid down her shoulders. "Sakura, what is it...," he asked cautiously, but a soft grunt was her only response. 'The only response that she's really able to give me nowadays,' the young man thought sadly while he looked ahead of them, eyes narrowing as he waited to see what had caused her to stop so suddenly.

Sakura's head leveled... then lifted. She sniffed at the air slowly while a small bead of sweat dripped from Sasuke's temple. Her body moved low. He reached for his gun and then—

A low growl emanated from her throat before she took off, jerking the chains from his grasp. "Fuck," he cursed under his breath harshly as he took off after her, his hand pulling the rifle from his backpack. He drew it up as he watched a pair of shadows come out from behind a building. His eyes bulged when he recognized the two strange figures. "Wait a minute, Sakura," he called out to her, but it was too late.

She had already pounced.

Snarling ensued as two of the beings crashed together and Sasuke began to panic when he witnessed the third pulling out a gun. "NO, DON'T...," he screamed, before a single shot rang through the empty street and a sharp cry came from his wife as she was tossed through the side of a deserted, derelict grocery store.

They advanced on her, seemingly unaware of Sasuke; that is until he called out for a third time. "Don't shoot! Please!" He watched as the pair turned to look at him, one being a small petite woman (a human, he decided... based on her appearance) while the other was someone he had grown to love as family... as a brother; who appeared to be in the same state as Sakura.

'He's been... infected to...'

"S-Sasuke... is that... really you," the dark-haired woman gasped, her mouth opening in shock while her tiny hands began to shake unsteadily as she slowly lowered her gun. The sounds of rubble being maneuvered pulled them back to the broken-down building and his wife emerged from it gingerly, with a dark look in her eyes. Her growl was feral, but before she could charge them again, Sasuke stopped her by grasping onto her chains tightly. She hissed at him as he yanked her backwards and turned to give him a hard stare. Her eyes flashed with agitation while her sharp nails poked into her chapped palms.

"Sakura, relax. Now." She grunted again and growled her frustration at him. "It's friends. Not a foe." She seemed to hesitate for a moment, before turning to observe the pair across from them, who smartly kept their distance from the disgruntled, angry female and slowly the low growl began to dissipate before it had stopped altogether as recognition seemed to finally set in.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now