❤️ Emotional Sakura ❤️

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Blank period + pregnant Sakura = an emotional Sakura. Snippets may come at a slower rate because I don't have as many completed and on backup to post. I hope this makes sense, but just know that no matter how long it takes (as of now anyway) I am still writing so no worries there for those of you who enjoy my work!

(Slight 🔞 at the end!)

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Sakura grabbed the edge of her husband's long cloak and pulled on it once with her left hand; the action effectively halted his forward momentum and the Uchiha patriarch glanced back slightly at the pink-haired female questioningly. In response, she tugged on his cloak gently until he finally relented and walked the few paces back until he was once again standing by his wife's side. The young man raised his dark brows at her out of curiosity; confused as to why she halted him in the first place. "Look Sasuke-Kun," she whispered, pointing with her free hand at a small clump of brush that sat between two large trees. Sasuke's mismatched eyes squinted slightly as he focused closely on the place that Sakura had indicated with her finger until he saw what she was referring to; the light-brown, spotted fur of a tiny fawn was tucked neatly and securely in the thick, dark greenery. He wasn't exactly sure how Sakura had managed to spot the small newborn because even with his excellent vision he had walked right past it without even noticing the tiny deer was there in the first place.

The young couple watched it for a few moments as its tiny chest rose and fell softly while it slept peacefully on the forest floor; the young animal seemed to be completely unaware of the couple's presence. Sasuke turned his head slightly to look at his wife and saw large, silent tears making a long trail down the sides of her cheeks; she had a small, soft smile on her lips as she watched the newborn sleep. He gently brushed the pad of his thumb against her skin, wiping away some of the hot tears and that action seemed to startle her as Sakura appeared to have forgotten that he was even there beside her in the first place. She turned to her husband, her green eyes filled with happiness as she took his lone hand within one of her own before slowly and silently tugging him away from the sleeping baby. After she deemed them a safe enough distance away, she began to speak in a slightly breathy tone. "Wasn't it just the cutest thing you've ever seen, Sasuke-Kun?"

"Hn. Why are you crying though, Sakura?" The dark-haired male noticed out of the corner of his eye that his wife was still whipping away a few more tears that still remained on her reddened, damp, puffy cheeks. Sakura giggled softly before placing her free hand onto her slightly swollen belly. Her small smile remained in place as she rubbed its surface fondly. 'She's happy,' Sasuke noticed and his own happiness filling his beating heart with a sense of pride and joy that he hadn't felt in... years.

"It's just the hormones Sasuke-Kun. Completely normal and something that you, as my husband and partner in crime, have to look forward to for the next few months until our sweet little baby arrives."

"Lucky me...," he huffed under his breath, though he made sure to say it loudly enough for Sakura to hear him. A small smirk grew on his face as he teased his companion and she playfully swatted at his arm as if to reprimand him for his behavior. He knew she didn't mean it though.

"Hey, I didn't make this baby on my own Sasuke-kun! Don't blame all of this on me. I will have you know that I..." He grabbed his wife swiftly by the waist with his lone arm before pushing her gently against the nearest tree trunk that he could find; his large body was softly pinning her there as she gasped at him in surprise. His head lowered towards her until his lips were just beside her ear, his long fingers played with the bottom of her shirt, lifting it slightly until they brushed the bare flesh of her small bump beneath the thin fabric.

"Do you want us to repeat that little act Tsuma... right here...right now?" Sasuke's rough fingertips moved lower until they rested above the apex of her core.

"S-Sasuke-Kun...," she gasped when she felt his fingers move to brush her clothed sex gently. She stared up at him with widened eyes; they flashed with unabashed hunger as her own slim fingers grasped the sides of his cloak tightly. She licked her suddenly dry lips and his dark orbs followed the movement closely. "W-we can't do that h-here..."

"Why not," his small smirk only intensified, as did his excitement at the idea of having her... right here... out in the open, where anyone could walk by and see them. "If I remember correctly... this is how it all started in the first place Tsuma... how we created...," his reaching fingers moved back up to brush her bump once again, "... this little one." Sakura sighed when he continued to touch her softly; her eyes fluttering shut in the process. "I don't need a reminder on how we created our baby, Sakura." His tone made her open her heavy eyes lazily and her green ones locked firmly onto his red and purple ones. "Because... I remember every little detail; thanks to these."

Sakura smirked at that. "Why don't you show me then, Anata... exactly how it happened. I think that I may have...forgotten." Her hips brushed his in a teasing manner and she bit at her bottom lip; the act caused the male's heart to stutter. 'Fuck me,' he thought as his lips came down to press against hers; their passion consuming them for the remainder of the afternoon.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now