Holding Hands

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                            (Sasusaku au snippet)

Itachi watched from afar; poised, ready. He paused, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly while dark eyes moved downwards and landing on the young couples intertwined fingers as he watched them; a warm, gentle smile formed on his face as an old memory was brought to the forefront of his mind. He closed his eyes, his smile remaining in place as he let it wash over him.
It was late August; leaves had long since begun turned into brilliant shades of oranges, reds and browns as they floated downward, losing their precarious hold on the large tree branches surrounding the long and winding driveway that led to a very large 3 story home. Itachi cast another short glance at the young couple seated in the back seat of his car and his lips twitched at the sight of his brother awkwardly taking small glances at his pink haired companion; her focus solely on the outside world as it blew by her window, so she didn't notice the indecision on her male's face nor did she see the subtitle blush coloring his pale cheeks. Itachi grinned to himself, watching with eager anticipation to see how this played out.

He watched Sasuke closely with amusement as the young man's hand reached out towards his mate slowly but was withdrawn quickly when she shifted slightly in her seat though her green eyes never left the window and he saw his brother frown; dark eyes similar to his own darted back and forth from the clasped hands in her lap to the side profile of her face. He knew what his brother was thinking and so he waited, wondering if he would have the guts to do it or if he would chicken out.

After Sasuke's eyes flashed with determination he reached out swiftly and grasped onto the young woman's hand causing her to gasp slightly at the contact and turn to face the youngest Uchiha, the small hint of pink dusting her otherwise pale skin. His brother quickly turned to the side; eyes outwards as he hid his face from her searching gaze. She hesitated a moment before shifting her eyes and focusing on their linked hands that sat in the middle sit; his hand gripping hers tightly while hers sat loosely. Itachi watched as her lips turned upwards before she too turned back to her own window, but he didn't miss her hand slowly close and grasp onto his brothers, squeezing gently in reassurance that his actions were definitely more than welcome. Itachi smiled as his eyes focused once more on the long and winding road ahead.
He opened his eyes once more and watched as the lovers made their way to a small beat up looking mustang; his brother using his free hand to unlock and then open the rusty metal door for the small pinkette and even from his position Itachi didn't miss the small hint of a blush that always seemed to stain Sakura Haruno's cheeks when she was in close proximity to his younger brother as she slowly slid into the passenger seat of his brother's car. Before letting go of her hand Sasuke brought it up to his lips and kissed her small knuckles gently, his black eyes never leaving hers as he slowly dropped her hand to shut the door behind her. His brother sauntered past the front of the red car (signature smirk in place); no doubt pleased with his girlfriend's reaction to his affections before swiftly sliding into the driver's seat. The car's engine roared to life and they quickly peeled out of the parking lot. Itachi sat back, reminiscing on his little brother's future. To think...it all started with the small gesture of a hand hold last fall and now he has never seen his brother so happy. He smiled to himself as he turned his own car on before slowly driving away. What he had to tell his brother wasn't important, it could wait until later.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now