🔞 Sex with a Demon 🔞

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(Sasusaku au; demon Sasuke visits human Sakura for a little...fun. I had this half written and intended to post during October but life happened and I just got around to finishing it...so I apologize!)

Sakura fought against her brain, desperate to hold onto sleeps dark embrace for just a little while longer but something more prominent... much more urgent was rousing her from her deep slumber. She began to stir slowly, tossing her head from side to side lazily as she brought her hand slowly down her body where a warm tingling sensation was shooting from her feminine core causing her body to heat with a blazing warmth that filled her from head to toe. 'What the hell is going on,' she thought but her tired mind couldn't comprehend much at the moment. When her fingers finally reached her lower half and lock themselves loosely into a head of silky hair, she couldn't stop the small, feminine moans from escaping her parted lips as a tingling sensation shot repeatedly into her warm depths; her core was leaking heavily with her desires. 'Wait, hair...what the...'

Her vibrant green eyes snap open swiftly with this revelation and she gulped harshly as her startled gaze wandered slowly downwards until she spotted a large and very imposing figure who was placed firmly between her slightly parted legs. She gasped loudly and clamped her thighs tightly around the figure's head, effectively halting his moments. A large hand shot out quickly from the unknown shadow and clamped tightly over her mouth to silence a startled scream of surprise that was about to be released. The pinkette tried to push the figure away with her small hand that was still clutched within the dark head of hair but to no avail; the being was as solid as stone and completely unmoving.

"I wouldn't do that pet," a deep male voice spoke roughly and she realized it had to be coming from the shadow man when she felt his hot breath against her wet sex causing her to involuntarily shiver; his voice alone was causing her core to drip more with her growing need. When his head rose slightly and his heated gaze met hers it nearly took her breath away; for her orbs fell on the most beautiful, though slightly terrifying, sight of her young life. The male was gorgeous...to an unrealistic level, and after a quick once over she let her green orbs lock with his red ones. As he continued to hold her gaze hostage with his own, she felt her earlier fears begin to melt away. It was as if this creature was somehow controlling her with just his eyes and the small smirk that played on his thin lips as he began to once again lick at her entrance was downright sinful. It made her insides heat unbearably and she threw her head back for a moment, closing her eyes tightly as she was unable to stop herself from moaning, though the sound was effectively muffled by his hand which still held her firmly in his tight grasp. One thought remained as she finally began to relax against his hold and it all was starting to make sense to her. Sakura's parents had told her all about his kind, but could it all have been the truth and not some made up fairytale as she once thought it to be? But it made sense if she thought about it; didn't it...

The striking features...

The blood red eyes...

He has to be one of them. It can't be fiction...

He has to be a... a demon.

But...they can't honestly be real...can they?

He soon released her mouth in favor of grasping onto her smooth thighs, prying them apart slowly to give him better access to her womanhood. Sakura gasped sharply when his lips wrapped firmly around her swollen clit as he began to harshly suck the distended bud into his hot mouth while his long fingers moved to brush the puckering lips of her core. She closed her eyes tightly, sure that this had to be some sort of dream but when he bites down harshly on her inner thigh and a painful stab shot up her leg, she knew this couldn't be a dream. This...this was very real and it both frightened and excited her all at the same time. "W-who are y-you," she whispered; her voice thick with her growing need and she heard his dark chuckle as it sent vibrations across her sensitive skin. She shivered again. "W-why are y-you h-here?"

"That's not important right now. What is important is you allowing me to finish my meal," his growling tone made her even wetter as she gasped sharply; his skilled appendages bringing her closer to the edge of sanity and threatening to send her over. Her face contorted in pleasure as she came and she watched with lidded eyes as the demon lifted himself from her core; his lips glistened with her essence and her green eyes darkened further as she watched him lick them clean slowly.

"Your virgin cunt tastes delicious, Sakura. I wonder," he hissed as both his body and gaze moved up her small frame lazily until he was hovering fully above her. His smirk was once again in place; the sinful pull on his lips as he gazed into her deep, green eyes was hypnotizing and pleasure inducing. "I wonder how it will feel wrapped around my cock...shall we find out..."

She didn't question how he knew her name; she simply ignores that fact as she was already to far gone to care. Sakura licked her suddenly very dry lips. She felt as if she was in a daze as she stared into the face of the handsome demon above her. "Yes... please," she whimpered and he slowly lowered himself until his lips pressed firmly against hers, his mouth stifling her moans as he shifted above her; his cock pressing against her slick folds...ready to enter her in one sharp thrust.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now