🔞 Show Me Mercy 🔞

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Sakura was whimpering, the need that currently sat between her tightly closed legs was becoming very uncomfortable and she tried rubbing her thighs together to get some form of relief. She was staring at her lover, dark green eyes barely open as she watched him draw closer to her. She pulled at the ropes holding her to the bedpost, but as she thought she was unable to break them easily, pleasure raced down her spine at the thought of being at his mercy.

Sasuke stopped at the end of their bed, watching her with his dark eyes; they held her captive. She was his to do with as he pleased and fuck if it didn't turn her on even more. Liquid was dripping from her core now and she wondered if he would ever have mercy on her and give her what she craved... him. Luckily for her he was feeling generous today. Sasuke brushed his finger against the heated skin on her knee for a brief moment before grasping the belt holding his pants up.

He began slowly pulling it off, his eyes never leaving her form. His voice was deep and raspy when he finally spoke and it sent another burst of heat to her core. "Spread your legs for me wife. Let me show you what it means to be married to an Uchiha."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now