🔞Watching Her Eat🔞

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(Sasusaku blank period; hormones running wild and Sasuke wishing Sakura's lips were wrapped around his...🍆😳😏)
'Damn it.' Sasuke cursed his testosterone fueled body yet again as his mismatched gaze quickly shifted away from his pink haired companion, earning him a confused frown from the young kunoichi but he was unable to meet her intense gaze; unable or unwilling (depending on who you asked) to take the sensual way she was eating her ice cream any longer. The bad part about it was that she didn't even realize what she was doing to him...how she was affecting him just by simply eating. He knew for a fact that it wasn't intentional on her part by any means, that just wasn't like Sakura at all (at least from what he had observed from her behavior as of late anyway) ...and yet, it still seemed to affect Sasuke in a more primal way. He was solely blamed it on his stupid hormones that decided to suddenly make an unwelcome appearance.

It all started a couple weeks ago when Sakura had asked him to stop by a small sweets shop on their way to the hotel room they were currently using in a small town near the land of waves. He didn't think anything of it seeing as it wasn't the first time, she had made such a request; so, the pair stopped and he bought her a dango, after a small argument of who was going to pay for it that is, before they began making their way down the street once more. Their pace was slow since they weren't in a rush and they enjoyed the quiet companionable silence that they had grown used to after having traveled together for a couple months. Hearing a soft unexpected moan come from his right, Sasuke's dark eyes immediately flickered to his partner and he watched in fascination as her plump lips surrounded the sticky treat before she slowly pulled it into her warm mouth. Sakura's vibrant eyes were closed and she had a serine look on her face but she let another soft moan escaped as she enjoyed the sweet treat. Sasuke swallowed slowly before quickly looking away, a strange warmth began to  fill the pit of his stomach after witnessing such an unexpected scene and it took him longer than he would have ever admitted to shake himself free from its clutches.

Then there was the time they had decided to stop by a large river to rest so Sakura could collecting some water in their canteens while Sasuke tried his hand at fishing. After a while of waiting, he became somewhat bored due to the inactivity as no fish seemed to be in the surrounding area and so he turned his head slightly to the side so he could observe Sakura. His eyes widened moderately as he watched her. She sat at the edge of the river bank, letting her bare feet dangle in the cool water and her arms were propping her up as she leaned back on them; her green eyes were shut and a gentle smile was playing on her face. The sun reflected off of her pale skin almost making it glow; the sight of her was absolutely stunning and Sasuke found it hard to believe that he could be so lucky as to have such an amazing woman by his side. He watched her reach over and grasp one of their canteens before opening the lid fully and bringing it unhurriedly up to her parted lips. His dark gaze zeroed in on her mouth as she tipped the bottle upwards, and her plump lips wrapped firmly around the small opening. His mismatched eyes moved downwards as he observed the column of her throat moving up and down as she swallowed the cool liquid. He too had to swallow but for a completely different reason and his eyes quickly looked away, his gaze focusing back on the river's surface as he watched the tiny fish swim around him; a light blush staining his cheeks.

Then there was the time they stopped by a small farm to help the owners with their crops. After spending much of the afternoon and evening out in the field both shinobi felt exhausted from the hard labor and heat from the afternoon sun. The matriarch of the family brought them glasses of lemonade and a small cloth that they used to help wipe their sweaty brows with before soaking them in water and then placing them around their necks to help cool them down. The couple's young children who had previously been playing on the wrap-around porch went into the small farmhouse before returning with some popsicles for them to munch on. Sasuke refused the kind offer because he didn't like sweets, though he made sure his rejection was polite all the same. He watched the children as they talking excitedly with Sakura, asking her all kinds of questions about her job and what it was like to be a real ninja.

His eyes soften as he watched her easily interact with them, her kind nature drawling the children closer as they listened intently to every word she said. During a particularly long story from one of the children, he watched her bring the popsicle up to her lips, watching as they wrapped around it before she slowly sucked on the cold treat; her cheeks hollowing, and when her bright green eyes met his briefly under thick lashes, he had to swallow the groan that threatened to escape his lips. He had to try his hardest to hide the rising tent in his pants that day; fearing the embarrassment would quit literally kill him.

And now...her delicate tongue was snaking its way around the small vanilla cone she held in her hands. Her bright eyes were once again closed as she sighed sweetly. He nearly growled at her when he felt his pants tighten; hating himself for reacting this way, especially when she wasn't even aware that she was affecting him in the first place. He was angry with her for making him feel like this but he was angrier with himself for not having better control over his own body's reactions. After all she was simply eating; so, why was it affecting him in this manner. He gritted his teeth and tried to force his mind to think of anything else; but when she groaned again and his eyes met hers once more, he knew he was fighting a losing battle. One that, if he was being honest with himself, he wasn't quite sure he wanted to win in the first place.

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