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    (Au where Sasuke & Sakura are betrothed)

The silence was stifling as the three young teens sat around a roaring fire. It was late into the night and the only sounds to be heard were the crickets chirping and frogs from a nearby creek croaking. Sakura and Sasuke could feel their blond-haired teammate staring at them but refused to acknowledge it by avoiding eye contact completely, though a light blush dusted the back of Sasuke's neck and Sakura's face was a shade that rivaled her hair. Naruto decided to break the silence by clearing his throat. "So, want to talk about it?" 

"No," was Sasuke's harsh reply as he turned to glare at his best friend, attempting to convey to the blond to stop talking but of course he either ignored Sasuke altogether or flat out didn't understand (which was the more likely scenario). 

"I mean if you guys had wanted to continue, I could have..."

"Shut up, dobe." Sasuke felt heat rushing to his cheeks and fought desperately to keep the blush at bay. He crossed his arms and looked away, ready to be done with this conversation completely, but of course Naruto wouldn't just drop it. 

"Hey Teme, it's not my fault you guys didn't find a better place know...go at it," Naruto protested as he shook his fist at the dark-haired boy. 

"Oh my god," Sakura whines as she buries her face in her hands, trying to hide her embarrassment. "Just drop it Naruto, please." 

"But why didn't you guys tell me you were dating?" 

"We aren't," Sasuke said as nonchalantly as possible.

"What!?! Are you friends with benefits or something?" 


"Then what..."

"We are engaged, idiot." Hearing the gasp from across the fire, Sasuke turned to see Naruto staring at him, eyes nearly popping out of his skull and jaw practically touching the dirt beneath his feet. 

"You're...but...I don't...," Naruto was unable to form a coherent sentence. 

"Tsk. Idiot," Sasuke huffed under his breath, returning his gaze to the fire. Sakura could only bury her face in her hands, wishing for the ground to swallow her up.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now