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Her touch was barely noticeable as she gently wrapped his bloodied stump; his mismatched eyes were trained on her soft features as she concentrated her full attention on the remainder of his arm, eyebrows slightly pinched together and green eyes full of determined focus. He felt his eyes soften as he watched her work, fully taking charge of her reckless teammates and as usual being the one to take care of their wounds. Even before she became a medic, Sakura had always been the one to patch them up; admonishing them softly as she tended to their wounds, her touch always gentle and loving as she cared for the people most precious to her.

The harsh reality of what he had done not just to Naruto but to her hit him hard and he felt his chest tighten as his heart beat a little faster. His eyes moved to the side, shame engulfing him in its tight embrace and he felt his shoulders sag in anguish. He didn't deserve her...he didn't deserve any of her love and kindness after what he put her through and he tried to swallow past the emotions that were thickly lodge in his throat. "Sakura," he inwardly cursed at the raw emotion seeping into his voice, glancing around he was glad to see the others had moved further away from them to talk quietly amongst themselves. He didn't think his pride could stand firm if the others heard him now.

"Shh now. I told you I need to concentrate," she whispered harshly, her hold on him tightening slightly causing him to flinch; he didn't protest...he deserved it. His eyes darted to her again, noting the small drops of sweat cumulating on her forehead and knowing how exhausted she must be, he frowned. He decided to try again with his apology, to let her know how truly sorry he was.

He sighed, looking down once more before speaking again. "Sakura, I..."

"Sasuke-Kun." Her sharp tone cut off the words on the tip of his tongue and when he looked up her eyes held his within their bright depths. He was mesmerized by her, his throat bobbing as he swallowed slowly; her eyes darted down to follow the movement before quickly returning to his. " already told me you were sorry."

"Yes but...," she held her hand up to cut him off. Her eyes softened and she placed it on his shoulder, squeezing it gentle before moving both of her hands onto her lap.

"You don't need to keep apologizing to me. I understand what you are trying to say. I forgive you...I will always forgive you because...well you know why," she whispered as her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. He would have expected her to look away in embarrassment...but she didn't. He would have expected her to wrap her arms around him and cling to him the way she used to when they were younger...but she remained rooted to her spot beside him. He realized then that she wasn't the same girl he left behind so long now she was a much strong, caring, and loving woman who would give the shirt off her back to anyone who needed it and he felt even more unworthy than before that realization crossed his mind.

Wanting to convey some part of his newfound feelings, he raised his lone hand slowly, brushing his fingers against the skin on her cheek before touching her lips lightly with the tips of his fingers. Her eyes widened and lips parted in surprise but the warm smile (though small) he sent her kept any sound from escaping her. His finger lingered on a small cut right on the edge of her bottom lip, his eyes never left hers and with all the strength he could muster he spoke the one word he knew she would understand above all others. "Arigato."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now