🔞 Fantasies: Part 1 🔞

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(Au. Biker Sasuke wants what he can't have but intends on getting just that! I picture him with tattoos and piercings)
Having fantasies about a woman of any kind is against the rules, it's an unnecessary distraction they say...but having sexual fantasies about them is downright sinful, especially when it's about your leader's daughter. As the case may be, Sasuke found himself pressed against the cold tiles of his shower, one hand clamped firmly over his mouth to muffle his low grunts as his other worked feverishly on his stiff shaft. His dark eyes closed tightly as images of the young woman flashed through his mind.

Her cotton candy colored hair...

Her grassy, green eyes...

Her smooth, unblemished and unmarked, pale skin...

Her dark, pink and slightly plump lips...

He was picturing them wrapped around his throbbing cock and he jerked his hips forwards accordingly, picturing her head bobbing swiftly as she took him deep within the dark, depths of her mouth until his tip hit the back of her throat. He shouldn't be thinking like this...he shouldn't be doing this, especially to the thoughts of her...but he couldn't seem to stop himself or his traitorous body from reacting to the sinful beauty that was Sakura Haruno. His mind wondered further as his hand continued to pump.

Her petite breasts would fit perfectly in his large palms...

Her flat stomach...

Her shapely hips would give great leverage for his hands to grab onto...

Her long, toned legs wrapped around his waist...

"Damn it," he cursed as his fist pumped his length faster, harder. His breath was coming out harshly now as his brain conjured up more images of himself taking her for his own.

Against the wall...

In his bed...

From behind...

Her loud screams heard by all as he brought her to the edge of bliss...

"Fuck," his harsh groans grew louder as his body fought to reach his impending climax. The warm spray from the shower head ran down his spine as he slumped forward slightly; it washed away the small layer of sweat forming on his heated skin. His long fingers tightened their hold, his hand jerked harshly and he felt a small tingling sensation begin to grow at the base of his spine. "S-Sakura...," he hissed her name sharply as he came, his cum spirting from the tip in thick strands that ran down the drain along with the water. After several moments his hand ceased its movements as the last drops of his seed leaked from his cock, his breathing was still uneven as he leaned his head back against the cool tile. Why am I like this? Why can't I control myself? He cursed himself inwardly before turning the knob and effectively cutting the water off as he stepped from the shower. A large towel sat to the right and he grabbed it before wrapping it loosely around his waist letting thick droplets fall from his black locks as he made his way to the sink. He placed one large hand on the damp surface while the other whipped a small portion of the steamy fog from the mirror so he could gaze at himself in its reflection.

After contemplating several moments, he growled to himself, eyes narrowing to slits as his fist slammed onto the countertop; his mind made up. "Fuck this. I have to have her. Rules be damned. She will be mine." With a plan now set in motion he stepped from the warm room before dressing swiftly.

'Sakura, I will find you...and when I do...be ready because it's going to be one hell of a ride.'

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now