🔥Don't Provoke a Demon🔥

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(Au. Demon Sasuke and human Sakura. Because it's October...)
Sakura could feel her insides churning as she held a small hand over her mouth to stifle her harsh breathing and she pressed her back more firmly against the cool, brick wall behind her. The lights above flickered unnaturally and the large footfalls sounded deafeningly against her ears; a small trail of tears ran down her cheeks as she closed her eyes tightly for a brief moment to try and calm herself but it was useless and she knew it. 'Please...don't find me.'

It's too late.

"Sa-ku-ra..., come out come out wherever you are. I just want to talk." His dark tone sent tremors along her spine and she began to shake violently as his footsteps approached slowly. 'Please don't find me.' She knew though, deep down in her heart that it was too late. It was only a matter of time until he found her and when he did...she hated to know what he would do to her when that happened.

He had tortured her friends; their desperate screams were still knocked loosely in her brain and she felt her stomach twist as nausea threatened to spill bile from her lips. She cried silently, tears raining down thickly against her pale cheeks. They had been told not to provoke the demon; they had been told what could happen if things went too far...none of them had believed...and now it was too late. They were all dead, Sakura being the only survivor...for now that is, and she nearly crumbled in on herself as that thought swirled through her mind. Everyone's... gone.

"Sakura." His voice interrupted her thoughts and her eyes snapped open as his footsteps stopped just feet from her. She dares not breath for fear he would spot her right away as she still clung to the hope that he hadn't found her. 'Please don't find me.'

It's too late..

"Sa-ku-ra, I can smell you...your scent is driving me crazy. I can hear your frantic heartbeat...it's calling to me. Why are you trying to hide...I know exactly where you are. Why don't you come on out? I promise I won't bite...yet." She nearly screamed when the tips of his boot clad feet came into view, her fear causing her body to shake uncontrollably and by now she was hyperventilating, desperately gasping for air behind her small palm. Her eyes began to blur as tears filled her vision. 'Please don't find me.'

It's too late...

"Sakura...I found you." This time she did scream, the terror filed sound bounced off the walls around them as the curtain shielding her from his view was thrown to the side and his tall imposing figure stood before her. Her eyes raked up him slowly, following the pattern of his large wings and grey skin before landing on his eyes. Those black eyes...so dark and empty were nothing compared to the evil grin that pulled his blood- stained lips upwards into a creepy grin. She practically gagged as the fresh scent of blood assaulted her nostrils (her friend's blood) and she pressed herself as far as she could against the wall, attempting to shy away from this creature of the night.

He placed his hands on the wall beside her head, boxing her in-between his hard body and the bricks before tilting his head to the side, observing her closely. Even if she had wanted to run, she knew it would be useless to try and flee...there was no escape now that he'd found her. She was doomed.

It's too late....

"Why did you try and run Sakura?" She opened her mouth to speak but the only sound that came out was a soft squeak, her wide eyes fixated on his face and she watched as it turned into one of curiosity rather than the evil sneer from before. "It wasn't hard to find you. Your scent is to potent." His fingers brushed her cheek, leaving a small trial of blood behind before they grasped a strand of her pink hair, the pads of his fingers playing with it gently. She was somewhat surprised with his behavior, sure that he would have killed her on the spot, but he hadn't...not like he did with the others. As if reading her thoughts, he glanced deeply into her eyes and though his seemed like deep, black voids...she still detected some emotion within them but was unable to decipher what it could be. "You intrigue me," his tone was smooth with a hint of curiosity. "Your scent seems to be calling me, drawling me to you. I think...," he whispered the last part as he leaned in to sniff her neck and Sakura stiffened slightly as his nose brushed against her flesh. "I think I might just keep you for a little while."

'Please don't.....'

It's too late.....

"W-who are y-you. W-what are you," she managed to squeak out as his fingers moved from her hair to brush almost tenderly against her bottom lip. Sakura tired not to cringe as the taste of blood landed on her tongue from the contact.

He moved until his face was just inches from hers and she gasped slightly when her green eyes focused back onto his...the color had changed from black to red. "Didn't anyone ever tell you...don't provoke a demon." His smirk was downright sinful and Sakura felt her body drifting further into darkness as his eyes continued to bore into her own. It's too late......was her last thought before she slowly closed her eyes and fell limply into his waiting arms as unconsciousness consumed her.

'Sakura...you shouldn't have provoked a demon.'

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now