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(Genin sasusaku go to a festival)


'This is so stupid,' Sasuke thought to himself with mild irritation as he strolled lazily down the very crowded streets of his childhood home. His arms and hands were dangling down by his sides as the lone Uchiha made his way through the large throng of bodies and around the other, much more eager, festival attendees. Sasuke Uchiha didn't want to go to this stupid 'gathering' in the first place... so then, why in the world had he agree to do so? His dark gaze moved forward as it landed on his pink-haired teammate where she walked in front of him and as if sensing his gaze on her back, Sakura Haruno turned around to give him her signature warm and friendly smile before returning her attention to the small booths that sat on either side of the dirt path; her bright green eyes were alight with her uninhibited happiness.

'Oh yeah.... that's why...'

How could he allow one human to affect him so easily... especially her? The dark-haired boy was an Uchiha for god's sake. Sasuke was from one of the most prestigious and well-known clans out there; the likes of which were completely above such unwelcome nonsense as this... right? His father would probably seriously disapprove of his current behavior and yet... he just couldn't seem to help himself. Not when it came to.... Sakura.

"Sasuke-kun!" Her melodic voice pulled him from his thoughts and he felt her small hand tug on the fabric of his black kimono gently. He made a sound in the back of his throat, one born from his annoyance at the whole situation, and gave her a deep frown as she pressed her smaller frame against his right side. Sasuke used his irritation to fight off a blush; but for some reason he found himself unable to push her away, for she was the only person he would allow to get this close... though he still couldn't explain why that is. He decided not to dwell on it for too long as Sakura began to tug him forward.

"Tsk. Sakura, let go."

The Uchiha watched the pinkette's cheeks blush a lighter shade of pink than her hair before she released his clothing quickly. Sasuke however didn't move away from Sakura's side and the two of them soon fell into step with each other as they continued down the wide path. The young couple remained silent for some time before the pink-haired female couldn't stand the silence any longer. "Are you enjoying yourself, Sasuke-kun," she asked as she clasped her hands in front of her and looked at him with eager anticipation.


"Would you...I mean, do you want to... I uh..."

"Just spit it out already Sakura!" He didn't mean to snap at her, but his irritation with being in this setting paired with the clumsy people around him that kept bumping into his body was causing his mood to go sour. He watched out of the corner of his eyes as she blushed deeply and averted her wide gaze from his and onto the ground. Her small hands came up to clutch at the fabric of her red, flowery kimono, right above her chest and her mouth clamped shut. Sasuke swallowed slowly. The Uchiha did want to apologize to her; he wanted to take back his harsh tone... but he didn't. He didn't want to appear weak in front of her; Sasuke didn't want her to see him caring to much... even though he felt it was already too late for the latter. She finally plucked up the courage to speak again, after a minute.

"Would you like to um... go and play some of the games with me, Sasuke-kun?" Sakura's cheeks were now a deep shade of red and the girl still couldn't seem to meet his dark eyes as she stood nervously by his side. Sasuke crossed his arms over his chest and without responding, guided them over to one of the booths. He watched as her plump lips pulled up into a wide smile; and though her blush still remained, Sakura seemed much happier (much to his relief).


"Oh, come on! I definitely hit it!" The pinkette stood with her thin arms crossed over her small chest and she glared at the booth owner with a look of contempt.

"Sorry miss. It doesn't count." The male smiled at her as he proceeded to reset the targets.

"Why not?" She cocked her head to the side and looked at him with an unamused expression.

"It didn't fall over." He shrugged his shoulders as he came back over to the counter and placed the shuriken she had just used back onto its smooth surface.

"Yes, it did! I saw it fall over and then afterwards; the stupid thing bounced back up. This game has to be rigged or something!" Sakura was angry and began to shout at the vendor.

"I'm sorry miss. I don't make the rules here. If you want to try again though, I will need more money from you."

"But I...," Sakura was about to argue further her partner intervened on her behalf.

Sasuke slammed his right hand onto the counter; his eyes were bright with irritation and anger as he shoved a couple more coins at the vendor. He watched as the guy smirked before Sasuke took his place in front of the countertop. The female beside him grasped onto his arm firmly while she tried to tug him away. "Let's just go Sasuke-kun. It's not worth it. I don't need..."

"Just relax, Sakura. Watch me."

Sasuke grasped one of the fake shuriken that sat before him and adjusted his stance into one of leisure. He twirled the metal between his fingers as he waited for the guy to get the game ready. As soon as the light changed from red to green, the Uchiha threw it and again, just as it had done with Sakura, the target fell down before bouncing right back up.

The vendor's smirk widened as he stared at the couple. "Ooh, so close but sorry, little man. Looks like you will have to try again if you want to win." Sasuke silently placed another coin onto the countertop before grasping another shuriken. His eyes shifted from black to red as soon as the light changed and when he threw his weapon this time, he added a few hand signs into the mix.

Horse... serpent... ram...

Monkey... boar...

Horse... tiger...

A small ball of fire shot from his parted lips at the same time his weapon hit its mark. The vendor's eyes grew wide with fright, as did Sakura's, while Sasuke stood with a stoic expression on his face; watching as his intended target melted into a pile of ash and soot. Sasuke smirked slightly when he pointed at the large stuffed bear that Sakura had been eyeing since they approached the booth and without saying a word, the man grabbed the stuffed animal quickly before handed it over to the Uchiha.

"Here Sakura," Sasuke spoke with indifference as he thrust the large object towards his female companion. Sakura gaped at the young man but quickly followed him as he turned his back on the shocked vendor and began to walk away. Once she had somewhat caught up to him, Sakura clutched the bear tightly in her arms and a small blush darkened her cheeks.

"Thank you Sasuke-kun. But you didn't have to do that you know. It wasn't that important..." He wasn't exactly sure what she was trying to get at but he paused mid-step nonetheless and turned to look at her over his shoulder; his dark gaze was full of intensity and he watched silently as her small throat bob slowly as she swallowed nervously.

"Did you want it?" Sasuke's questioning tone was slightly curious as he waited for her to respond.

"Well yes I did but I..."

"Then Sakura, there isn't a reason for you to try and argue with me." He began to walk again but Sakura remained rooted to the spot; watching his back as he moved away from her, a look off awe was etched into her features. Again, the Uchiha paused in his strides and tilted his head slightly to the side; a small smirk growing on his thin lips as he stuffed his hands into his pockets and looked at her with a raised brow. "What's the matter, Sakura? Let's go."

The pinkette scurried to catch up with him and when she did, she pressed her shoulder against his arm gently. "Arigato, Sasuke-kun."


My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now