We Bought a House

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(Sasusaku snippet)


"I can't believe it, Sasuke-kun! We actually did it! It all just seems like... like a dream," his pink-haired wife spoke from where she stood in front of him; her breathy tone dreamlike in quality as she looked up in awe at the large, two-story brick home that towered over them.

Her excitement and eagerness were palpable and the dark-haired male couldn't help the small quirk that pulled at the corners of his lips at the sight of her.

"Come on, let's go in," Sakura said excitedly as she reached back to grasp onto his hand firmly, before practically dragging her husband up the small flight of stairs that lead to the large front doors; causing him to chuckle softly. When the key turned the lock, she pushed her way through them and stood before a huge and elegant grand staircase; her green irises swiftly scanning over every surface that they possibly could in quick succession.

After taking their time to move throughout the entity of the large home (with Sasuke following his wife silently as she made happy little noises over certain features that she found to be the most appealing), she had come to a complete stop just outside a doorway that led to one of the home's three bedrooms. Her vibrant orbs roamed over the small space lazily, before she glanced back at her husband with a small smile. "I love it, Sasuke-kun."

"Hai," the patriarch nodded his head in approval as his eyes focused on the room; trying to picture what they could possibly use the extra space for.

As if she could read his thoughts—

"Obviously, we will take the master bedroom for ourselves... but what could we possibly use these extra rooms for?"

When Sakura spoke, his own thoughts allowed... it hit him.

He knew what they could do with all of the extra space—

The dark-haired man swallowed slowly before he wrapped his arm around his wife's petite waist. He leaned down to brushed his lips against her temple then rested his chiseled chin on the top of her head.

Feeling courageous in his intentions; he made his move.

"I can think of a few things...," his voice trailed off as he slowly dragged his hand down; past her toned stomach and directly towards her clothed sex.

"Anata," Sakura exclaimed; her cheeks turning a darker shade of pink than her hair as she leaned against him; her back pressing against his front and he hears her sigh softly as he moved his lips to the back of her ear before pressing a feathery kiss against the skin there.

"How about we go get our bed from the moving truck; so, we can set it up and then..."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now