🔞The CEO & His Secretary 🔞

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His hand slammed down against the glass beside her head causing Sakura to flinch slightly and although the slight movement would have been undetectable to a normal person...Sasuke Uchiha was anything but. The knowing smirk that made its way across his face at her reaction made her scowl at him in defiance. She's so beautiful...especially when she's angry, he thought as he leaned into her causing her body to tense all over. "Are you done Sasuke," Sakura huffed; crossing her arms over her chest and unintentionally pushing her breast up as she did so giving him a good view of her creamy flesh. His smirk grew. "Because I have things to do before I leave today and your wasting my time." Her heel clad foot began to tap on the wooden floor impatiently as her green eyes narrowed into thin slits. Definitely more beautiful when she's angry.

"Oh Sakura," he whispered lowly as he placed his other hand on the other side of her, effectively boxing her in between him and the large window. His face was now mere inches from hers, their breaths mingled together and he saw the flash of desire in her eyes as she licked her lips slowly; even though it was subtle he knew deep down her need matched his own...he could practically smell it on her. He was completely and utterly addicted to this woman, but for some reason he didn't mind. He pushed his hips against her, letting her feel how excited he was and relishing in the small gasp that escaped her plump lips. "You know you've been a tease all week," he hissed, making sure to use the deep tone that seemed to always drive her wild. Leaning even closer he growled, "Wearing those tight clothes that show off way too much of that delicious skin of yours."

"Sasuke-kun," she half moaned as her hips snapped forward to press firmly against his. He moved closer until his face was right next to hers, his lips hovering over her ear and he let out a puff of air slowly from his lungs so the heat of it brushed against her skin. Her hands flew up then and she grasped onto his shirt tightly, wrinkling the pristine fabric. "I... I told you I want to wait until the wedding...," she tried to reason but her words cut off on a long moan when his tongue snaked out against her ear; pulling it into his hot mouth he sucked on it eagerly.

"I can't wait," he groaned as his hands moved to her sides, hoisting one of her legs up so it rested against his hip while his fingers trailing up her now bare thigh. Sakura pressed her head against the cool glass as her hips snapped forward once more only this time they were in search of his skilled fingers.

"B-but, it's just two days away...," she tried again. He found her weak protest to be cute but also futile as he let his long fingers find the center of her womanhood. He pushed the tips into her clothed sex where he could feel the already damp fabric and smiled against her heated skin in triumph, pleases with her reaction to his touches.

"I will have you Sakura...now, before, during, and after we become husband and wife."

"D-during!?!" Her shocked squeak made him chuckle darkly and the deep blush he saw as he glanced at her profile that stain her cheeks made him grin wickedly. He moved slightly back to observe her fully flushed face and noted that her hair was slightly askew, her clothing was as a wrinkled mess, and her cheeks were definitely flushed a deeper shade of pink than her hair. Her green eyes were wide with shock but he also saw deep within them the same lust and devotion he felt for her; his soon to be treasure.

"Yes during. Everyone will hear you scream my name Sakura. Everyone will know who you belong to," her pants became harsh as his fingers continued their expert movements, bring her closer and closer to the edge of bliss. "Tell me Sakura...who do you belong to." He quickened his pace slightly and she moaned loudly. He was sure the office staff could hear what they were doing but he could care less. It wasn't the first nor would it be the last time they heard her scream for him during work hours, he would make sure of that. When she didn't reply right away, he slowed his pace, drawing a frustrated groan from the pinkette a she held off her release. "Tell me Sakura or I won't let you come." His tone was firm as he gazed deeply into her eyes.

"I'm yours Sasuke-Kun. Always yours. Now please...," she begged and squirmed against him...desperate.

"That's right. Your mine. Let the whole world know, come for me...now." Her harsh scream as she came could be heard throughout the entire floor and mostly likely the entirety of the building. Needless to say, Sakura didn't think she would ever be able to show her face at work again and she was pretty sure they wouldn't be waiting like she had hoped...that is if Sasuke had anything to say about it.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now