Her Beauty

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Sasuke likes to watch her sleep, but doesn't want to be caught doing so.

(Sasusaku blank period snippet)

This one was inspired by someone amazing! Follow her on Twitter!

This one was inspired by someone amazing! Follow her on Twitter!

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The cool, spring breeze blew through their small campsite; ruffling the couple's hair slightly as it blew past their prone forms.

The slight scurrying of a forest dwelling creature that was rummaging in some nearby foliage was the reason that Sasuke Uchiha awoke from his deep, dreamless slumber.

He turned his head to the side as he stretched, in an attempt to at trying to alleviate some of the discomfort and stiffness in both his long legs and muscular arms.

When he finally was able to blink the sleep away and open his eyes fully, the sight that he was met with gave him pause; and with only the stump of his arm tucked securely under his head, Sasuke silently watched.

His breathing quickened, but only just, while the muscle behind his rib cage began to beat just a little bit faster.

Soft and wavy strands of messy, pink hair lay in a makeshift halo above and around Sakura's head.

Her small body was only halfway covered, as she had somehow managed to kick/move most of her blanket off during the night; leaving her nightshirt (or better yet one of his "borrowed" shirts) and a rather substantial amount of bare flesh visible.

Her eyes were shut; blocking his view of the lively and vibrant green that lay beneath her eyelids.

Her naturally red lips were slightly parted and he noticed that some of her hair (that was close by) moved with each even, shallow breath that she took.

'Your beauty... is unmatched, Sakura.'

Sasuke reached out; unable to stop himself from brushing his fingertips lightly against her cheek; but started to panic when Sakura began to stir.

Right before she opened her eyes, he closed his; unable and unwilling to give away his secret. One that had become almost a habitual habit... ever since they first set out together... those many months ago.

Sasuke would never tell Sakura that he woke up before her and he certainly would never mention the real reason behind it.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now