Conflicting Thoughts

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She felt conflicted. On the one hand, she was thrilled to have a baby girl, to dress up in a frilly cute little dress... and play games of tea party and dolls. But on the other hand, would Sasuke be disappointed... that she hadn't given him a son, to carry on their family name.

A Sasusaku Blank Period snippet.


Sweat dripped from her brow as she bared down, body growing taunt while she cried out loudly, due to the gut-wrenching pain that was rapidly racing through her tiny frame. She squeezed her husband's hand, for dear life as the contraction took hold of her; instincts telling her what to do in that moment, before her form finally went completely slack as the pain slowly began to subside.

She shifted her tired gaze to the right, panting harshly while she observed the way that her husband's features were scrunched with worry. She gathered his attention before speaking. "I... (pant) can't... do this..."

"Yes," Sasuke insisted; forehead pressing against her own while his lone hand gripped hers more firmly. "Yes, you can, Sakura. You are the strongest woman I know. If anyone can do this... it's you." She couldn't help but to smile at him; although... Sakura's joy was short-lived when another (more intense) wave of nausea hit her... and her abdomen began to throb while the pain started anew.

It took several more hours of this torture before it finally stopped, and their little baby was born.

The sound of a newborn's crying finally filled Sakura's ears, sending fresh hot tears down her red cheeks and she looked down tiredly to meet the warm smile of the red-haired medic who gently placed her baby onto her bosom.

"Congratulations, Sakura-san. You did really well... and your baby girl is healthy."

'A girl. We had... a baby girl...'

"Thank you, Karin," Sasuke said, sending a small bow in her direction before directing his attention to his new baby. His fingers trembled slightly as he brushed them across her features, so much like his own, and Sakura had a hard time deciphering what he was thinking; for his expression was completely void of any emotion in particular. For some reason, she felt like Sasuke was... disappointed.

Disappointed in the situation.

Disappointed in their baby.

Disappointed... in her.

Their newborn snuggled against her front, rooting into her mother's chest before opening her mouth wide and latching onto her mother's breast. Sasuke's hand came to rest on his daughter's upper back; his thin lips pulled down slightly at the corners... and his brows scrunched together as his palm spread the full expanse of her tiny body.

She felt her heart sink, remembering the times that he had talked about how he would teach their son to hunt, training him in all of their family's jutsus, teaching him to grow into a great shinobi. But now... he couldn't do those things... not with a son anyway. She swallowed slowly, and licked her lips before looking downcast.


"Are they always this tiny?"

"Huh?" She looked up and watched as his hand flexed once before her husband moved his fingers to the back of their baby's head.

"She's so... small. Are they always this little?" Sasuke's frown deepened. "Is something wrong with her? Is she okay?"

She placed her hands on his cheek to pull his attention back to her. "She's perfectly fine. I checked her out with my own chakra. She's healthy; just as Karin said." Her husband seemed to relax at this revelation, allowing for his shoulders to lower and his posture to lean forwards.

"Hmm, she must have more of you in her than me. You are small too, Sakura." She playfully smacked his arm and chucked before her thoughts began to shift back to her previous concerns. She swallowed once more, her head turning to the side.


"Hn. What is it? Are you alright? Do you need..."

"I'm fine," she gave him a weak smile, but couldn't find the courage to meet his eyes. "I just... umm... are you disappointed... in me?"

"Why would I be?"

"You never... never talked about wanting a daughter... and I know you were excited about having a son. To teach things to and to carry on the name and..."

"Sakura," he released his hold on the baby to grasp her chin and pull her around to look at him. "I'm not... hm, how do I put this? I'm not disappointed in you. I never could be. I'm only thankful for you... and this life that I get to live with you. Don't ever think like that, ok? You don't need to worry. I'm... content."

She knew he was sincere and the only thing she could do was nod her head; emotion welling up in her throat and clogging it. His expression softened and he leaned in to kiss her; lips moving soundly against one another until their daughter began to snore softly between them and Sasuke slowly pulled away.

He took the baby then, allowing Sakura the time to rest and recover... whilst he spent time getting acquainted with their daughter.


Author's Notes:

If any of these sound like your own writing or another you have read I apologize but I didn't copy anyone's work. This is entirely my own writing.

If you would like to read my socmeds, be sure to follow my Twitter! Posting them on here would be way to much of a challenge for me.

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