His Harem

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His father has bought him many women over the years to form his harem, but the young Duke only has eyes for one of them. The others... he could easily do without.

A sasusaku au snippet.


"Sasuke, my son, come in here for a moment. So, we can discuss something with you," his mother's soothing and sweet voice beckoned him forward, and so he willingly obliged to her hushed request; stopping as soon as he was standing before his parents, to await further instructions. "How are you, my child? It's been a while, since I've seen you."

"Sorry, mother," the young man spoke as politely as he could, while bowing his head vaguely in her direction. "I've been a little... busy these last few days."

"Sasuke...," his father's thundering voice echoed against the room's thick walls; reverberating in his ears several times before ceasing completely. "I have asked you here, my boy, to inquire about something rather important. A rumor that I've been hearing about from your mother's maids... and the royal guard."

Sasuke lifted his head marginally, to gaze into his father's dark eyes; brows furrowed in confusion. "What is it, father? What has you so troubled?"

"Not troubled per say...," the older male spoke as he rubbed the rough scruff along his jawline with his fingertips. "Merely... curious, I suppose."

"What is this about?"

"Your women."

"What about them...," Sasuke questioned; unable to hide the growing tension in his shoulders. His father lifted a hand towards him, to try and ease his son's anxiety while his thinned lips pulled into a gentle smile.

"At ease, my son. You are not in trouble."

"Then wha..."

"We have heard...," his mother interrupted him; and the young Duke's mouth clamped shut while he waited for her to continue. "We have heard... that you have taken a particular liking to one of them. I believe that the young woman's name is Sakura Haruno. The little pink-haired one, who is always so polite and well-spoken whenever she is in our presence."

Sasuke's lips twitched after hearing his mother's praise; his stiff posture relaxing. "Hai. I've... been spending a lot of time with her, as of late."

"But not with the others, huh," his father inquired curiously.

"... no. I have to admit that I have neglected them and I've not paid them much attention. I'm sorry, father. I know how this must make me seem, but I just... I don't want to be with them. Not like that anyway. They are all great. It's just that..."

"You're in love," his mother stated calmly. Sasuke felt his cheeks flush red at her words and tried to cough behind his fist in order to alleviate some of his embarrassment.

"I... I guess you could say that," he said after a brief pause; onyx-colored eyes downcast.

His parents exchanged a knowing look between them before his father leaned forward, while his mother wrapping her hand around his father's forearm in a warm and comforting gesture. "So, let me ask you this. Is she the one?"

"What... what do you mean?"

Sasuke's father rolled his eyes, but nonetheless he smirked kindheartedly. "Is this Sakura girl the one that you wish to be your betrothed?"

"Oh...I...," Sasuke's mind went blank for a second, before he was able to speak. "Yeah... yes. I can't see myself with anyone else, father; mother."

"Then, what are you waiting for, my child," his mother implored.

Sasuke sighed. "I want her, yes. But... father, you brought all of these other women in, and I—"

"Don't want to disappoint them?" Sasuke nodded his head; before lowering it again. "Don't agonize over that, my son. They will have a good life here; I can assure you. I've already heard that some of the guards have found some interest in several of them. So, the women won't be left alone to fend for themselves; as you must think. I won't allow it to be so."

"Really," Sasuke asked incredulously.

"Yes. You are too kind-hearted for your own good sometimes, son. You get that from your mother."

The dark-haired woman smacked her mate's arm playfully before giving her youngest son a warm, reassuring smile. "Go now and be happy, Sasuke. Go and woo the woman that you love."

Sasuke couldn't believe what he was hearing but didn't think twice when he ran from the room at a quickened pace. Wanting to find Sakura and ask her to marry him; even going so far as to beg her, if he had to.

His parents had just made him the happiest man alive. He was eager to see what the future held for him and his beloved.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now