Bookworm's Romance 📚

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Sasuke is in love with his girlfriend, bookworm Sakura. He chooses a unique way of proposing to her with the help of her favorite book.

A sasusaku AU romance.


The sun's brilliance was diminished by the grim weather outside their two-story, brick home. Rain pelted against the windowpane beside her as Sakura Haruno nestled into the crevice of her reading nook comfortably; the window seat cushions tucked neatly around her to bring warmth on this cold spring afternoon.

A heavy and exaggerated sigh left her lips as she gazed longingly at her porch swing, which was situated just a few feet away; the wood darkened where the rainwater soaked into all of the cracks in the old, worn-down wood. A lamp to her left (next to the couch) was her only source of light, but that was all she needed on this dreary day. 

She crossed her legs and draped a blanket across her lap before taking a sip from the mug of hot chocolate that her boyfriend (of two wonderful years) had made for her only a few moments ago. The steam lapped against her rosy-red cheeks and she sighed again as it went down her parched throat, warming the pinkette from the inside out.

"Sasuke...," the woman called out softly to the young man sitting across from her on the couch, a newspaper in hand and his glasses hanging precariously from the bridge of his aristocratic nose. "Can you bring me my book please?"

He glanced up at her from the rim of his glasses, a small smirk lifting his lips upwards as he folded the edge of his paper downwards. His onyx eyes averted from hers for a moment and landed on a rather substantial stack of books on the coffee table by his feet before they lifted again to meet her contented stare. "Which one do you want, love?"

She rolled her eyes at him and tucked a stray hair behind her ears with her free hand. "You know the one, babe."

"Hmm...," he hummed before folding his newspaper neatly as he rose to his feet. Sasuke placed his glasses on top of it then walked to the shelves beside the fireplace, reaching up to pull a very worn book from the highest shelf and then slowly made his way back to his girlfriend; bypassing the coffee table's books completely.

He snatched the drink from her outstretched hands and placed it on a side table next to her before handing her the well-loved book. She thanked him softly with a gentle smile to show her appreciation, but when he didn't move away from her, Sakura looked up at him with slight confusion.

He shrugged. "Open it," he nodded his head towards the book and waited. She looked at him and hoped that he would digress further, but when he simply remained silent, she did as he asked. What she found inside, stunned her.

Her mouth dropped open just as Sasuke sank to his knees before her; her eyes growing wide. Sakura's hands moved to cover her mouth and silence a soft, feminine gasp while she fought against the onslaught of tears which threatened to spew from her watery eyes at any moment. "S-Sasuke, I..."

Her partner reached up and cupped her cheek, before his large hands grasped the book in her lap. "Sakura Haruno," he started, his voice low. "I love you... so much. I think you know that by now but... I don't know if you understand the magnitude of my affections. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to grow old with you. Have babies with you. Live the rest of my days with you. Will you marry me, Sakura?"

A break in the clouds caused the sunshine to stream in the picture window, brightening Sasuke's features and causing shadows to cover the sharp angles of his jawline.

His expression had softened, significantly, and he waited patiently for a response from his beloved. Sakura's mouth opened and shut repeatedly and she floundered, like a fish out of water, before finally coming to her senses.

She shook her head and a sincere smile lifted her cheeks upwards. "Yes. Of course, I will marry you, Sasuke."

Sakura could hear him sigh before he leaned in to kiss her, his thin lips softly pressing against hers while one of his hands wrapped tightly in her hair; holding onto her firmly. "I love you so much," he whispered before pulling away.

She watched anxiously as the Uchiha pulled a few strings to loosen her favorite book's grip on her engagement ring, before he easily slipped it onto her finger. She examined it closely before the sun's light was once again consumed by grey, puffy specters. Her eyes refocused on him. "Sasuke, I absolutely love it. It's just stunning. You shouldn't have spent so much. Really. But..."

"But," he cocked his head to the side and waited for her to continue.

Sakura sighed. "Did you have to destroy my favorite book in order to propose to me, babe? I mean, why couldn't you have picked something that's a little more... I don't know... boring."

Her lips pierced and she crossed her arms over her chest as she eyed him closely. Sasuke chuckled. Leave it to his woman to find fault in his own proposal. He smirked before leaning close to give her another kiss; slower, leaving her breathless when he pulled away for the second time. His eyes were completely focused on her dreamy expression when he spoke next. "I have one more surprise for you."

"What is it," she asked; slightly dazed still.

Sasuke reached behind him and with one smooth motion pulled a small rectangular object from behind his back. He handed it to her and her eyes widened. "Where did you..."

"I had this one before I destroyed your precious book, love because I knew you would be upset with me."


"Oh...," he said while rising to his feet and making his way back to the couch before taking his seat once more; his smile broadened. "By the way, I had this one signed by the author. You're welcome."

She opened the cover frantically to confirm his declaration and sure enough on the inside cover was a very messily scrawled signature. The loud squeal that left her caused another warm chuckle to escape the youngest Uchiha as he unfolded his newspaper to return to his reading. 


Author's notes:

If any of these sound like your own writing or another you have read I apologize but I didn't copy anyone's work. This is entirely my own writing.

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