🤭 Misunderstanding 🤭

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                          Au Team 7: Oh Naruto...

Sakura felt her phone buzzing in her back pocket and reached for it, leaning over slightly into her boyfriend's side as she did so. He glanced at her briefly before his dark eyes moved back to the tv screen; flashes of light from it showed his content face as he held her to him with one of his arms wrapped securely around her thin shoulders. She looked at her phone and noticed a new text, Naruto's name flashed across the screen in the dim light. She glanced up at him with a frown but his eyes were focused on the movie and so she swiped her thumb over the screen to unlock it. Going to her text messages she opened the newest one she received from the blonde and her eyes widened as they scanned the continents. It read as follows: 

Having sex without eating pussy is like opening a yogurt and not licking the lid. Can't wait to get back to my place and have you all to myself 😉 

Sakura's mouth went slack as her grip on her phone loosened, a small squeak escaped her mouth; her face frozen in a mask of disbelief. Sasuke turned to her then, his dark brow lifted upwards as he watched her closely. "What is it," he whispered in her ear but Sakura found herself unable to answer. The only thing she could do was silently hand her phone over to him. His thin lips pulled down as he glanced at her screen before his own face turned into one of complete and utter shock; mirroring hers. Both simultaneously looked at each other for a second before turning to their friend who sat across the room from them; their eyes were wide and their mouths opened like a fish. It would have been comical, Sakura thought, under different circumstances. 

Feeling eyes on him, Naruto turned to see his friends' shocked faces. "What," he asked, completely confused and oblivious to what was troubling them both. Sasuke held up Sakura's phone and turned it to face the confused boy. Naruto squinted in the dark room before his eyes lit up with recognition and he quickly grabbed his own phone, swiping frantically through it until he came upon what he was looking for. His pale face flashed from confusion, to shock, to one of complete and utter horror in a matter of seconds as the realization that he had sent that particular text to the wrong person began to sink in. 

" Dobe." Sasuke's voice was full of dark intent and Naruto swallowed past the thick lump in his throat before turning slowly to look into the eyes of his best friend. Anger radiated off of Sasuke in thick waves and his hand was clinched so tightly around Sakura's phone it looked like it might snap the poor thing in two. His dark eyes bore into Naruto's and the young blonde had to fight back the urge to cower in fright. "What. The. Hell." 

"I...I...t-that wasn't meant f-for Sakura-Chan. I... I swear!" 

"Then why did you send it Baka?" Now it was Sakura's turn, her angry gaze focused solely on their idiot friend. Her fist was clenched tightly at her sides, though a light blush tinted her cheeks from her embarrassment; this time Naruto couldn't hold back a flinch. He had been hit enough times by the pinkette to know it hurt like hell and he definitely didn't want to get hit by her again anytime soon. He raised his hands in self-defense as he watched them closely; his eyes flickering occasionally to all the open exits in case he had to make a quick escape if they decided to try and kill him (he wouldn't put it past them). 

"It was meant for...well your names were right beside each other in my phone and I must have accidentally clicked on the wrong one." 

"You think," Sakura hissed, the venom clear in her tone as she practically spat at him. Naruto jerked back as if she'd just hit him. Oh shit. I'm so dead. 

"Next time pay attention...idiot," Sasuke growled, his arm wrapping tighter around his girlfriend as if to shield her from Naruto; his eyes still blazed with fury as he stared daggers into Naruto's. If Naruto didn't know any better, he could have sworn they turned blood red for a moment. Damn it. How am I supposed to get out of this one...?

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now