Your Highness

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(Au. Knight Sasuke & Queen Sakura are secretly in love)
The young woman before him was poised, she held a grace very few women he had ever seen before her did, his mother being one of them and it always left him in slight awe of her. Today she was dressed in a deep, maroon silk that hugged her curves in a refined but slightly suggestive way which was very striking to the eyes. When he stopped before her, he clasped his hands before him, for fear he may try and reach out and touch the young beauty; which wouldn't be wise of a man in his position, especially with her guards standing nearby.

"You, Knight, on your knees." Her voice was like liquid velvet and he felt his heart begin to race beneath his rib cage, the way it always seemed to when he was around her; a completely different feeling to when it raced during his combat training. Sasuke felt himself sink to his knees, hitting the cold stone floor beneath him with a loud thud, his dark eyes fixated on her bright green ones. She looked down at him for a moment, observing him closely (expression unreadable) before she took a step towards him, her head held high as any royalty was expected to do. "Do you pledge your life, Knight, to serve your queen?"

"Yes, your Highness, I will give my life to serve thee." He spoke with conviction, certainty in both his tone and his gaze. She nodded in understanding before taking a tentative step forward, seemingly unsure of herself for the first time since he entered her throne room. He waited patiently for her to continue; always patient with his queen.

"Do you promise to follow my lead, wherever it might take us?" Her bright, green eyes held his onyx one's captive and he swallowed thickly as his heart pounded louder within his chest. A knowing look passed between them before he spoke.

"Yes, your Highness," he whispered, unable to hide the emotions welling up inside of him any longer. He could never hide himself from her. "I will follow you anywhere. I am loyal to only you. I will serve only you...always."

'Sakura, I love you. It will only ever be you that I desire to spend the rest of my life with. My heart and body are now and forever will be...yours.'

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now