🔞 Early Morning Wake Up Call 🔞

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Sakura wore her husband out during a late night romp session. Yes... a session. Now, she can't seem to get him to wake up. But, Sakura knows one more thing she hasn't tried yet that might work—

A sasusaku AU newlywed snippet.


She tried many times to wake him... but he didn't even acknowledge her; his body remained stiff and still in his place beside her, where the previous night's activities had exhausted him.


No answer.


Still nothing.


It's not as if the time of morning was particularly early. In fact, it was well past 7... which was the average time in which her husband would normally begin to stir from the previous evening's slumber.

So, Sakura waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited some more until it was 9:30 in the morning. The sun was high in the sky by this time and the warm sunlight was shining brightly through their large picture window that overlooked the left side of their bedroom... and still Sasuke didn't stir; he didn't even flinch. He just laid on his back (naked) with his mouth hanging open while soft snores slipped past his lips; and his eyelids, which fluttered with the movements of his dark orbs (as dreams continued to hold onto his consciousness) remained tightly closed.

Tick, tock. Tick, tock.

Time passed slowly.

So, so slowly.

Sakura began to squirm with impatience. 'I think he's slept enough by now, right? Yeah, I think so. Time for a wake up call.'

Her vibrant irises shifted from his mussed up hair to his closed eyes to his chapped lips and then... even lower. Past the harsh, hard flesh covering both his chest and abdomen until they landed on the light, white sheet that shielded his hard lower regions from her heated gaze. Sakura's body temperature skyrocketed and her heart began to pound a little harder as she shifted her weight on the mattress; resting on her side, so she could face her partner more directly, while liquid fire pooled in her lower belly.

'Hmm, I wonder...'

Leisurely, Sakura lifted her hand where it was resting by her side; her fingertips gliding along her husband's bare skin until they grasped the fabric firmly; lifting and then flinging it to the side to reveal the hidden treasure beneath. She licked her lips as the aching pulse in her core began to grow more taunt. The visual sight of him was alluring, to say the least.

Dark, large purple blemishes marked the skin around his base... signifying just how rough she had been with her lover the previous night. She glanced down briefly at her own body and blushed; her own pale complexion nearly mirroring his, in the exact same places. Sakura shook her head and looked again; noting the smudges of red lipstick... still coating his cock and bringing back memories of the night before.

Sasuke's hands in her hair...

... tightening, holding, then pushing and pulling...

... him grunting and groaning deeply...

... before softly growling her name, all the while spilling his warm, life giving seed into her—

She licked her lips again and slowly brushed her thumb against the bulbous, swollen head, eliciting a low groan from Sasuke; but still, he didn't stir. The pinkette was growing frustrated from his lack of response, but she wasn't giving up that easily.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now