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When loneliness & longing collide; one only wishes to share their first kiss... even in a place as dark and dismal as this.

A blank period sasusaku snippet.


Her sweet scent surrounded him, causing his sore and stiff muscles to relax further as her chakra flowed into his very being; surrounding him with a soft green glow (as she healed him) that he was unable to see, due to his eye mask, but knew all too well... for he had been witness to the young woman's healing abilities as she had repaired so many others before his long time of imprisonment had begun.

The warmth and delicate touch of her fingertips caused a warm shiver to race down his spine; and he couldn't suppress the soft sigh that escaped his thin lips, while his head inclined in her direction further; his weight settling against her palm and causing a soft chuckle to escape his medic's lips.

"Sasuke-kun," the woman admonished him lightly; her tone playful as she pinched his cheek gently. "I can't heal you if you distract me."

"I'm not." Though the small smirk playing at the corner of his lips told otherwise. She huffed in mock frustration and slapped his arm lightly... before reprimanding him again. The soft humming of her healing continued after for another couple of minutes before finally ceasing all together; one of her hands resting precariously on his upper thigh, while the other brushed against his temple to push away a few wayward hairs.

"Oh... Sasuke-kun..."

When her breath faltered; he leaned closer. Wishing he could pull her close, but with the arm restraints—

"It's okay." He tried to reassure her, though he knew it was pointless. His girlfriend was a worrier; always had been... and always would be. Sasuke could sense the change in her almost instantly and felt her grip on him tighten.

"It's just... it's not far...," she huffed. "You've changed. You helped these people, Sasuke-kun... and they—"

"Hey...," he interrupted; brushing his knee against hers gently to grab her attention. "Calm down, Sakura. I'm fine; honest. Besides... Kakashi said I should be out of here soon." That was a blatant lie... she knew... but let it slide and simply continued to rub his thigh absently... while her slender fingers glided through his dark locks to alleviate some of the growing knots there.

Sakura's doctor side kicked in after a moment and she began asking him questions that he quickly responded to. "Have you been eating?"



"A little."

"... bathing?"


"What," she asked; a little too quickly, and he heard her shifting in her seat nervously while her chakra spiked. "Just making sure that they are taking care of you properly, Sasuke-kun. That's all."

A short pause.

"Do I smell... bad?"

"Not bad necessarily," she hesitated. "But you do stink, Sasuke-kun. Or maybe it's this cell. It's hard to say for sure..."


"I'm going to make sure that Naruto or Sai comes in to help bathe you next time... just in case you know. That way I know it's being done."


"I'm sorry...," she giggled and brushed her hand across his cheek affectionately. Sasuke sighed; eyes straining to see his lover through the mask, but unable to break through the barrier of the seal to do so. He had grown slightly tired of their visits... if only for the fact that he couldn't properly see her or feel her in the way that he so desperately wanted to. He was so happy that their relationship had been set and defined, but hated that it had been done so in a place like this.

Most days found him in silent loneliness.
Most nights he felt longing twist his gut painfully.
But during their visits—

"Gods, I wish I could kiss you right now," he confessed; his warm breath fanning against her chilled skin as she unconsciously drew in closer to him. "I wish I could see you... Sakura. Hold you. Love you properly."

Sasuke couldn't believe he just said that. What was he thinking? What—

"Well," she said; her voice slightly breathy. "I can help you with two of those things." Sasuke's Adam's apple bobbed when he felt her fingertips graze the underside of his mask; hearing a small, though softly murmured, incantation leaving her lips before Sakura slipped the fabric upwards slowly.

He blinked several times before everything came into focus; his eyes widening as he saw the cheeky grin present on his lover's lips. "How did you—"

"Shh," Sakura shushed him softly before leaning close; her viridescent eyes practically glowing in the darkness as they shifted from his lips to his eyes and then back again. He felt his eyelids grow heavy before they finally closed at the first contact of her skin against his. Their first kiss was... everything he imagined and not at the same time.

Soft and smooth pushed against him; frozen in time for a moment, before gliding curiously in an awkward and unsure fashion. He felt her pulse beating against the back of his neck when her arm came up to wrap around him slightly to hold him in place and she sighed when he began to move experimentally against her.

But it was pleasant.

It was a hard thing to comprehend in the few seconds that it lasted, and nothing like how Sasuke would have imagined (or had imagined) that it would be like.

But, the Uchiha wasn't complaining. In fact, he was just beginning to really enjoy it... but all good things must come to an end he supposed as soft footsteps in the distance met his eardrums as they rapidly approached.

He felt Sakura pull away on a soft gasp and when his eyes opened, he watched as hers widened for a second before blackness took over his vision once more; the fabric placed back where it had originally been, just as the footsteps drew closer and then stopped.

"Ms. Haruno, I have been informed that Lady Fifth is asking for your presence in her office."

"A-alright, I will be there shortly!"

Sasuke could sense her discomfort and anxiety... and was prepared to ask her about it when she suddenly pulled him in for a tight hug. Her lips pressed against his ear firmly and she whispered a short "later" before she pulled away and slowly rose to exit his dank cell.

He listened intently as her heels clacked down the hall and only began to contemplate today's visit once he was certain that he was finally alone enough to gather his thoughts in relative peace.

The threat of either Naruto (or god forbid Sai) coming to help him bathe though, lingered in the back of his mind for the rest of the day... and well into the waning hours of the night.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now