🔞 The Visit 🔞

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(Boruto era; sasusaku smuttish)


Hot, hot, hot—

Sakura Uchiha was so, so hot...

... and she was blaming her husband solely as the reason for her sorry state of undress and for the fevered passion that was running through her blood stream. His actions were the reason for the extremely unbearable inferno that was coursing through her veins like a liquid fire; burning the pink-haired medic from the inside out.

"Oh... S-Sasuke-kun... ahh... w-wait... m-maybe we s-shouldn't be... oh... fuck."

The patriarch's wife wasn't normally one to curse (unless provoked or otherwise angered) so when Sasuke heard the vulgar world that slip from her pretty little mouth, his thin lips twisted up slightly at the corners; pleased with his ability to still be able to make his wife so wild with desire. He was eager to hear what other pleasurable sounds he could pull from her.

He shoved the opened flaps of her top to the side and decided to dive right in; wet lips trailing a line down her warm skin while his fingers played with the hem of her pants. Sasuke pressed himself more firmly against his wife's lower half; pushing her back flush against the wall and rotated his hips in a rounded arch, while his mouth attacked her now bare breast...

... licking...

... sucking...

... and then nipping at the protruding bud that was stained the same hue as Sakura's naturally colored hair.

The fingers of his lone hand hastily worked the thin fabric of her pants open before pulling them downwards; past her curvy hips. Sakura stepped from them almost absentmindedly; hands braced on her husband's wide shoulders while her head was tilted towards the heavens; eyes shut tightly and mouth opened wide.

Her heart was pounding...

... her head was spinning...

... and her body was on fire; he was about to—

"S-Sasuke-kun... w-wait!" Sakura squeezed his shoulders gently to grab his attention; halting his frenzied movements for a brief moment. Sasuke sighed in defeat against her wet skin, then kissed his way up from her plump and perky flesh...

... maneuvering his way between her breast...

... and up past the slim column of her throat...

... before brushing over the delicate edges of her jawline; then finally pulling away in a leisurely fashion. A mixture of both red and purple swirling passionately as they met her deep pools of green.

"Maybe... m-maybe we should wait, Anata," she whispered; tongue slipping between her teeth to lick nervously at her chapped lips. "Until w-we get home. I mean... my parents and Sarada..."

"Won't know... if you keep it down," her husband growled; hand tightening its hold around her hip. "Please, let me indulge in you, Tsuma. It's been a while since we've had any time to ourselves; just the two of us... alone." His large hand slipped down and his digits wrapping around her knee before he lifted her leg slowly. Sakura wrapped it around his hip; grip tightening on his shoulders.

"But, but we're at my parent's house... in... in my old room," she protested. "Plus, they are bound to come look for us sooner or later and they are probably finding it a little suspicious that we both simply left at the same time without a word... and haven't returned yet..." Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"Sarada is telling them about a mission; none of them will be the wiser, Sakura. Besides, we won't be long." The smirk on his face caused liquid to pool in her lower belly and she felt her heart beat start a new, erratic rhythm behind her ribcage.

"We won't?"

"No. We won't." His eyes told her everything that she needed to know; everything that she needed to help calm her nerves. Sasuke knew her body, as much as she knew his and he was certain that he would be able to bring her there quickly; she had little doubt.

After another pause, she relented and brought a hand down to his leather belt at the same time she used her other one to bring him down for a heated kiss; her fingers tangling in the dark locks at the base of his neck.

That afternoon Sakura found out just how quickly her husband could make her cum and she wasn't opposed to testing his skills again... in the near future. Only this time... maybe they could do it in the privacy of their own home; or at the very least... in a bed.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now