🔞 Dinner w/ Team 7 🔞

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               (Sausaku w/ a little bit of Naruto)

Sakura bit her bottom lip suggestively as she attempted to hide the wide smile that threatened to spread across her heated cheeks while she played absentmindedly with the small bowl of ramen in front of her; her focus was elsewhere. She could feel Sasuke's heated gaze upon her and she could feel his ankle as it rubbed against her calf lazily from underneath the dining table. The pinkette knew without even looking at him that if she were to glance up and meet his dark gaze...Sasuke would have that expression on his face; the one that always seemed to make her eager to get some more 'alone time' with her new boyfriend. Their relationship had only just become official about a month ago but even still it hadn't taken them long to get to the more physical aspects of it; for the yearning had been a slow burn over the past few years and that had definitely been a long enough...tease for both of them. When the Uchiha's ankle moved higher up in its exploration she nearly choked on the bite of food she had just brought to her plump lips as the heel of his foot began to push her legs apart at the knees.

"You okay over there Sakura-chan," Naruto's concerned voice broke her from the sexual haze that had begun to fog her mind; she turned to him slightly with a soft and what she hoped was a reassuring smile.

"I'm fine Naruto." She watched silently as the blonde continued to look at her for another moment before he nodded and returned his attention back to his own bowl of ramen; she was very thankful when she wasn't the center of his attention anymore. The pinkette sent a quick glare Sasuke's direction but he simply gave her a wide smirk in return and she couldn't hide the dark blush that rose onto her previously pale cheeks before she had to quickly look away. She was just about to take another bite when she felt a large hand brush against the inside of her thigh and again, she nearly choked at the sudden feel of rough fingers pushing the fabric of her shorts aside and away from her crotch. Her wide green eyes met her boyfriends across the table and she noticed that he was sitting casually across the table from her...with both of his hands clearly visible as he lifted his spoon and took a small bite of his own food. 'So... then who the hell is... touching me?'

Sakura made sure that neither of her dinner companions were looking before discretely moved the tablecloth to the side; the sight she was met with caused her bright green eyes to widen further, for she saw a pair of very familiar dark orbs staring back at her...her boyfriend's signature smirk was plain as day...on his clone's face. 'How...when did he do that...?' Her plump lips parted slightly when she saw the clone move his head slowly towards her damp entrance; his soft lips brushing against her inner thigh as he neared, causing involuntary shivers to race down her spine. Sasuke's clone then moved her shorts further to the side with one large hand while he spreading her legs wider with the other. "Keep it down if you don't want Naruto to notice...," his clone whispered softly just a split second before he attached his mouth to her wet folds. She tried to suppress the moan that threatened to escape her at the contact but was unable to keep the full sound down; of course, Naruto noticed. He looked at her with a raised brow, his expression was full of curiosity but when she took a quick glance at her boyfriend...all she found from him was his usual stoic expression; which gave nothing away.

"I-it's nothing Naruto," she tried to appease his silent question with a wave of her hand. "I j-just had something o-on my mind...so don't worry a-about it," she insisted quickly before tilting her head down to her bowl; effectively hiding her glowing cheeks from her blonde friend as her hair fell around her. Her darkened gaze moved back to the clone when she felt his rough fingers brush against her swollen clit and she bit her bottom lip harshly when she felt her body begin to tingle; yup...she knew she was in trouble if this continued.

The immense heat...

The rough touches...

The unexpected pleasure...

She almost couldn't stand it; it was becoming too much. She was just so damn close... a little more and... "FUCK!" The word was spoken loudly before Sakura could stop herself from shouting it and she closed her green eyes tightly when she felt her walls finally clamp down harshly around her lover's strong, long fingers. Her warm liquids began to drip down the length of his digits as she felt herself finally release; the dam bursting so to speak. Sakura was having a hard time controlling her breathing as she placed her spoon down slowly beside her now empty bowl; trying to ignore the fact that she had just had an orgasm while in the company of her blonde-haired teammate...and in a public diner at that.

"Umm...Sakura-chan," Naruto began cautiously as he leaned slightly over the table towards her.  "I know you said you were okay...well you've said it like a bunch of times since we sat down but are you sure tha..."

"I'm sure Naruto!" Sakura's normally soft tone came out harsher and rougher than she would have preferred and she cursed her boyfriend inwardly for the umpteenth time as she lifted her gaze to meet his; blaming him entirely for her current predicament. The small knowing smirk he gave her in return had a hidden meaning behind it; she really wanted to punch him right now but refrained as their waiter had suddenly come back to the table only seconds after her previous outburst. The pinkette tried to ignore the tongue that was currently lapping up her fluids as she grasped a menu tightly within her small hands; allowing her eyes to scan the contents quickly.

"Will that be all fo...," the waiter began but was stopped when Sakura raised her hand in his direction.

"I'll have the slice of chocolate cake please," she insisted as she placed the menu back down and out of reach.

"Oh...okay. Anything for you gentlemen," he asked as he glance between Sasuke and Naruto.

"I'll have the sundae please... with extra fudge," the blonde pipped up happily as he completely forgot what had just been happening seconds ago once more food was added to the equation. Sakura rolled her eyes playfully as she shoved the male between her legs away. The clone finally relented and she was able to adjust her clothing back the best that she could before she crossed her legs tightly. Her heated gaze was once again narrowed at Sasuke as Naruto turned to the dark-haired boy. "Do you want anything?"

"No." The waiter nodded before walking away quickly to fill their order. Naruto frowned slightly before he decided to speak again. "Seriously Teme... I don't understand why you don't like sweets. You could have at least tried one of the desserts."

Sasuke smirked and exchanged a knowing look with Sakura before turning to a slightly confused Naruto. He shrugged lazily before crossing his arms over his muscular chest and licking his thin lips slowly. "I've already had my dessert."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now