🍆 Girl Talk at the Hot Springs 🍆

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                            (Slight 18+ content.)
Their boisterous, bubbly laughter echoed off the stone walls surrounding a large pool of warm water as the young kunoichi gathered into a small cluster on one side of the hot springs; relaxing and thoroughly enjoying each other's company on a rare night off that they all shared together. Once the laughter died down, the busty blonde of the group kindly refilled everyone's wine glass once more and swirled hers gently before taking a long sip of the red beverage. "Seriously though," she began, a small but mischievous smirk forming on the woman's lips. "Can we just gossip about our men for just a minute because I have questions."

"I thought we agreed this was going to be a men free evening, you know a girl only sort of thing," Temari questioned as she raised an eyebrow at the slightly tipsy Ino; slightly being kind because said woman was flat out waisted at this point in the evening.

Ino made a sound in the back of her throat before narrowing her eyes at them all. "Come on ladies, just this once and then we can drop the subject...I promise." She made a show of trying to cross her fingers but failed miserably causing both Tenten and Temari to chuckle and Sakura to simply roll her eyes.

"We might as well just give in. She won't shut up until we do," Sakura sneered as she took a small sip of her drink, her green eyes dancing playful as she watched her best friend stick her tongue out at her childishly. Everyone mumbled their agreement and a wide smile broke out across Ino's face before she clapped her hands together excitedly.

"Okay so first things first," her eyes scanned the group before she met the shy gaze of the only woman who hadn't spoken up about the subject yet that evening. "So, Hinata...how is Naruto in bed?" The dark-haired woman blushed deeply, her eyes shifting to gaze at the water's surface as her fingers tapped timidly together.

"Well...he's very thoughtful. He's always worried about my comfort and... he's very vocal." Her cheeks burned brighter than the pinkette's hair and Ino snorted at the last statement.

"We all could have figured he would be a talker. That boy never shuts up!" Everyone, including Hinata chuckled at the jab...poor Naruto. Her focus then landed on Temari. "Now you. Who's more dominant in bed? You or Shikamaru?"

"Shikamaru, easily." Everyone's eyes grew wide as they started at the blonde in disbelief. "What," she shrugged lazily as an almost bored look crossed her face. "I know he's a generally lazy person but in bed...he's the complete opposite. Weird, I know, but it's the truth."

Ino shook her head in understanding before turning to Tenten who flinched at the intense way Ino was watching her. "Don't even go there," she hissed before finish off her drink and pouring another. Surprisingly and respectfully Ino moved on without a word, her gaze zeroing in on the last remaining member of their small group and Sakura grew slightly pale as she was now the focus of everyone's attention.

"So, forehead spill it. We know how wild and alpha the Uchiha is in bed, I mean everyone has heard the two of you at some point or another." Sakura's cheeks matched the color of her pink locks as her eyes grew wide. She knew they were loud at times but had everyone seriously heard them? Her green orbs scanned the group and they all shook their head in the affirmative, even Hinata. How embarrassing. "Now the one thing we don't know is...," she leaned in as if this was the most important thing she would ever say and as if they were being drawn in by some invisible, magnetic force everyone followed suite... cornering the poor girl and holding her hostage with their awaiting gazes. "How big is he?"

Sakura nearly choked on her own spit as she sputtered, her mouth opening and shutting like a fish. When she was finally able to find her voice, she questioned the blonde. "Why would you want to know that?" Ino simply gave her a neutral glare as if the answer should have been obvious. "Ugh, pig you're impossible. But fine," Sakura huffed, closing her eyes tight and clapping her hands against her hot cheeks. "If I tell you, can we finally drop the subject."

"Sure, so is he a 6...oh wait, even I know his cock can't be that small..."


"Hmm, I bet he's a 9 or 10. Please tell me he's a 9 or 10."

"I... I can't say it..."

"Show us then," Tenten suggested. Her eagerness shocked Sakura and she glanced at Temari but the blonde simply shrugged. Hinata remained silent, the observer of the group. Sakura finally relented and spread her hands to the length she knew him to be and watched the woman around her widened their eyes and feared they would pop out of their head if they weren't careful. Sakura bit her bottom lip nervously as she let her hands slowly drop into the water at her sides; her gaze following the small ripples that spread along the smooth surface.

"Damn," Tenten whispered.

"I'm honestly not surprised...he is an Uchiha after all," Temari spoke next, her nonchalant attitude was almost comical. Hinata simply blushed and worked her hands together, too shy to voice her opinion on the matter although it was clear she was just as shocked as the others.

Ino suddenly smacked Sakura on the shoulder causing the girl to jump at the unexpected action. "Shit, you go girl! But let's be serious for a second. I mean how the hell does all of that shit even fit. I mean you're so..."

"You said we could drop the subject if I told you how big he was so, can we," Sakura interjected.

"That was before I knew exactly how big he was. Now I've got a million questions." Sakura sighed and leaned her bare back against the cool stones surrounding the water's edge as Ino began bombarded her with said questions. This was supposed to be a relaxing girl's night out with no boy talk but as always, that's exactly what it turned into.

'Oh well...maybe next time.'

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now