Hold You Close

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                                 (Sasusaku fluff)
"Sakura...," he called softly to his wife as he sat on their plush couch; exhausted after a full day of intense sparing with his best friend. Sasuke watched the pinkette as she moved frantically about their small home; attempting to scrub at the invisible dirt on the seemingly spotless furniture as if her very life depended on its cleanliness. The dark-haired male sighed tiredly; his thin lips pulling down into a deep frown and dark eyes narrowing slightly. She looked to be just as exhausted as he felt, he observed...she was pushing herself to hard; again. Her normally vibrant green eyes were duller, her pink hair that was tied up into a sloppy ponytail had little strands poking out in all directions and her eyes had large, dark bags underneath them indicating her lack of sleep and exhaustion. His mismatched orbs trailed her small form in a downwards descent; noting all the small speaks of dirt and blood that clung to her pale skin from her work at the hospital and her clothing that was a wrinkled mess as it clung to her petite figure; gashes and smudges of who knows what covered both her top and bottoms.

"Sakura...," he tried again, his voice was a little firmer than the first time, as he lifted himself from the back of the couch to sit in a straighter position. She continued on with her work but turned to give him a tired smile.
"I'm almost done here Sasuke-kun. I wish you would have told me you were coming back early. I could have stopped by the store on my way home and gotten something to make for dinner. As it is... I guess they are still open for another couple of hours...maybe, if I leave now, I would have time to get something ready by..."

"Sakura," his tone was deep and demanding; cutting off his wife's speech and she suddenly froze before turning her body to fully face him; her vibrant green eyes were slightly wide due to his unexpected outburst. He huffed and rolled his own eyes while running his large hand over his face before his dark irises returned to her own. "Come here."

"But I..."                                                               

"Now." His tone left no room for her to argue and so after a brief pause, she did as he asked; slowly making her way over to her husband as her eyes never left his. When she was close enough the Uchiha wrapped his arm tightly around her waist and pulled her harshly down towards him. She gasps loudly when she found herself straddling his hips. Sakura placed her small hands on his hard chest and looked at him; an unspoken question warped her expression into one of slight confusion. He waited a beat before slowly pulling her towards him with his hand that was resting on her upper back; moving her close so she could rest her head against his shoulder. She soon allowed her body to slowly molded to his as she began to relax against him. Closing her tired eyes, Sakura sighed happily; loving the closeness she was able to share with her husband that others would never be able to... for he only willingly and freely showed this side of himself to her. She had always missed these moments whenever he was away from their home and so she had long ago decided that she was going to savor every single second of them for as long as he would allow her to. 


"Shh," he shushed her gently; moving his large hand to rub soothing patterns against her back where it rested directly over the Uchiha crest that she wore with pride. "Just let me hold you... please. I missed you...," he said as he leaned down to place a gentle kiss upon her forehead; his lips hovering directly over her diamond-shaped seal. The couple stayed like that for an unknown amount of time as they both enjoyed each other's company in the calm silence of their shared home.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now