A Sorry State of Affairs: Part 2

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(A follow up to part one; which is number 121 of my snippets collections so be sure to read it first! Mafia boy Sasuke & his girl Sakura au. He will do anything to save the woman he loves.)


The photo; it was—


The young woman's normally spirited green eyes, now held only dullness; a mere shadow of what they once were.

Her naturally light, bubblegum-colored locks that flowed delicately around her curvaceous frame, were now flat, messy, and lifeless.

Her usually, well-pressed clothing, was covered in a thick layer of dirt and was a rumpled mess...

... and the blood.

Oh, the blood... it was everywhere.

This is the sight that greeted the Uchiha when he sat at his desk that morning and looked upon the bright screen of his laptop; a new email flashing brilliantly, which he had quickly opened. Sasuke's  large hands clenched as he continued to watch the attached video... desperately wanting to look away at the crude and cruel sight... but unable to rip his darkening gaze away from hers as she stared into the camera's lens. The look of both defiance and defeat mingling for center stage in her diminished orbs.

Even if she couldn't see him; it seemed as if she was staring into his very soul... silently begging for him to come and save her.


There was just so... so much of the sticky, thick, and darkly-colored substance that it was making him physically ill.


The email (with the video and photos) had made its way to him only minutes ago and...

... Sasuke Uchiha was none too pleased; nor was he just simply angry about it—


Angry wasn't a satisfactory word to describe his true feelings in that movement. He was seeing red.

Red-hot rage was coursing through his veins and he couldn't stop himself from lashing out—

Sasuke's hands went flying across his desk as an angry shout fell from his thin lips; and he ended up scattering all of its contents (documents and laptop included) across the wooden floor of his office. The bodyguard (that stood by the door) silently observed his boss as the young Uchiha continuously destroyed his office; in a fit of blind fury. When Sasuke was done, he fell to his knees; hands clenched at his sides as he threw his head back and screamed in anguish.

The sound would have made anyone who heard it, feel his grief to their very bones. When he was done... his head hung low (a brief respite) before he lifted it again and his black eyes rose to bore into the male across from him; causing said man to stagger back a couple of steps... due to their heated intensity.


That is what awaited those whom had dared to harm what was rightfully his; to love and protect.

Sasuke would get her back; and every last one of them would suffer, a million times over, for what they did to her; right before he slaughtered them all.

'Slowly and painfully.'

"Get ready," he growled before rising to stand; at full attention. "Tonight, we will be shedding blood and we will paint the streets red with it. Someone is about to die."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now