🔞Losing Control: Part 2🔞

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(Sasusaku blank period snippet.)


That was the name of the game.

And Sasuke (who prided himself on being pretty much the master of all things & calm, cool, and collected at all times) was sadly losing.

This one is part 2 from the previously posted fic called "Losing Control".

*This one is going to be 18+ due to actual smut!*


Sasuke refused to release her from his strong hold while his thin lips attacking hers with both vigor and zealousness.

The deep, low groan that left his parted lips only seemed to spur her on; her hips gyrating against his stiffened cock in sync with her hands as they came to wrap around his upper arms; attempting to hold him in place.

Sakura moaned when his teeth came into play; nipping experimentally on her bottom lip while his eyes opened slightly to reveal the deep and dark pools of his growing desires.

Sakura's remained shut as she pulled away to catch her breath; her cheeks and neck flushed a rosy shade of pink while her hair stuck out in messy disarray.

His hand clenched on her upper back, where it rested upon her chest bindings, and the material was rough beneath his calloused fingertips.

Sakura opened her eyes slightly; their normally vibrant green was replaced with something much darker... much more thrilling. Her tongue darted out to lick at her slightly swollen lips and Sasuke knew then and there that he was a goner; that he would be giving into his lover's every desire, with an unmasked and eager excitement.


It was spoken with slight hesitance, (a question) as much as it was delivered with an urgent and desperate plea. She didn't have to say anymore, Sasuke understood her perfectly. He knew what Sakura wanted; and he was more than ready to oblige her silent, unspoken request.

With slightly tentative fingers, the male ran them down the length of her spine before pressing his flattened palm against her backside; pulling her against him while taking a deep breath. His thin hips moved once; his aching cock pressing firmly against her lower stomach... silently telling and begging her to continue.

Her small hands worked quickly in the removal of his clothing; leaving the Uchiha completely bare before her wandering gaze. He heard the sharp inhale of breath that Sakura took, as her green eyes focused on his rather pronounced and very masculine feature; his male pride keeping him from shielding it from view; even though he could feel his cheeks heat with his embarrassment at being looked over so closely and openly.

This was the very first time that a woman had ever seen him naked before; and with such a large erection at that. What was Sakura thinking about; did she want to continue, or—

His dark eyes widened when he felt her delicate fingers wrap around his thick length; her irises focusing on what she was doing rather than his face while his remained forward, but only briefly, before he too felt the urge to look down.

He couldn't stop the sharp grunt from leaving his slightly parted lips as her hand began to move experimentally against him.

Up and then down, (swirling and whirling around him) while her thumb came up to brush against his already leaking and sensitive tip. He grasped onto her bindings tightly; his dark eyes closing as the pleasurable feelings (coming from her hand) brought him closer and closer—

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now