Mission Gone Wrong 🔞

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A mission gone wrong has its advantages... or at least Charasuke thinks so.

A Sasusaku AU snippet. Charasuke & Sakura boyfriend/ girlfriend moment. Slightly smuttyish.


'Why oh why in the hell did I get stuck with these two idiots as partners,' Sakura thought as she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. The pinkette continued ahead, leaving the two bickering boys to trail behind her as she made her way to the large cave ahead.

"... and another thing, Teme..."

"Will you two just stop it already," Sakura hissed and she turned to glare at them. "Besides, we're here." She slowly approached the entrance (masking her chakra) while her emerald orbs took a moment to adjust to the dim lighting within.

She took a deep breath before taking the first, tentative steps forward. 'What could go wrong? Nothing... right?'


Fifteen minutes later, Sakura was cursing the gods above (and everyone in between) for ever allowing her to end up in a situation like this, with Sasuke Uchiha of all people.

She yanked furiously on their bindings... the likes of which only seemed to tighten by the second... and cursed under her breath as she struggled against them, the act however was futile. "It's fucking chakra suppressing ropes," Sakura groaned, wiggling slightly as she tried to push against her partner with her own body; praying that her weight would be able to somehow break through the thick strands.

It wouldn't.

Sasuke grunted as she brushed against him with her hips, sweat beading on his forehead while his cheeks darkened slightly from palm to pink. "Sakura," he breathed, his voice tight as she pushed particularly roughly against his groin. The woman huffed and looked up at him, irritation evident in her features.

"You could help you know!"

"You need to stop struggling," he growled, silently begging her to understand his torment. But she wasn't paying him any attention and resumed. Before long though, they were pressed so closely together that Sakura could no longer struggle or fight, the ropes cutting uncomfortably into their exposed skin as they stood facing each other... her bosom pressed firmly against his ripped muscles. "See, I told you so."

"Don't even start with me, Sasuke Uchiha. You're on my list. I mean, you didn't even try to help me!"

"I knew it was pointless...," he said as he glanced around them, but after not seeing a way out of it, he sighed. "We will just have to wait until Naruto gets back. He can help us cut the ropes and we can escape then."

"I don't want to wait that long."

"Why, you don't like being this close to me, kitten?" Sakura blushed deeply and looked to the side, her eyes focusing on the surrounding walls of the cave rather than Sasuke's upper torso.

"Stop it, Sasuke. This is not the time for jokes."

"I'm not joking."

Sakura rolled her eyes. "Or flirting." She couldn't see his small smirk, but she could sense it. "And stop smirking." His deep chuckle resonated with her own body, and her blush only darkened when she began to feel parts of his body that she wished she wasn't... at least, not right now anyway. "Sasuke—"


"Are you... is that your...you're..."

As if he could read her thoughts, he brushed his lower half against her belly discreetly and a sharp tingling sensation began to form in her abdomen. "Oh... god."

"You know, kitten," Sasuke whispered, leaning down as far as he could to place his lips next to her ear. "If it wasn't for these damn ropes restricting us, I would have you on your back screaming those exact words... right now. My hands would spread your thighs while my tongue—"

"SERIOUSLY! NOW! That's so inappropriate, Sasuke!"

"But you know you love it."

A long pause.

"Shut up! SHANNARO!!!"

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now