🔞 Losing Control 🔞

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(Sasusaku blank period snippet )


That was the name of the game.

And Sasuke (who prided himself on being pretty much the master of all things & calm, cool, and collected at all times) was sadly losing.

*This one is going to be 18+ due to sexual theme and language; not actual smut!*


Sasuke, the sole survivor of the tragic massacre that killed his kin and the only living, breathing Uchiha to date... found that he was sweating; profusely.

It had absolutely nothing to do with the warm fire that he had just summoned a few minutes ago... nor did it have anything to do with the thick, wool jacket that was currently wrapped around his upper shoulders.

His black brows twitched...

... his lone palm clinched...

... his blunt teeth clamped tightly together...

... and his signature, Uchiha eyes...

Well, they were getting a pretty nice view—

His female companion had retired for the evening as Sakura claimed to be completely exhausted from the day's travels; and really, he couldn't blame the pink-haired medic... for he was feeling just as fatigued.

The young couple had moved relentlessly and at a much quicker pace today than they normally did; traversing more ground than ever before as well... at least since she had first joined him on his journey for atonement that is.

Sasuke had stupidly assumed that she would just simply go straight to bed. So, he decided to sit by the roaring fire for a few extra minutes to soak up its warmth and rest his tired and achy muscles before fully retiring for the evening.

But the man was wrong; so... so wrong—

The first indication for him (that he was aware of at least) that tonight wouldn't be just another... normal one... for them was when he watched her (from the corner of his onyx-colored eye; not that he was looking or anything because that would be wrong...) strip of her clothing. She seemed to do so with much more, exaggerated movements, than normal and what he would consider to be necessary for the situation at hand.

The second being that he had noticed she didn't dress after removing her clothing; leaving her in a simple pair of panties and her chest bindings. He felt his heart quicken at this; his blood rushing south as he observed her running her thin fingers through her (now shoulder-length) hair. His ears picked up on a softly hummed melody that was coming from inside the tent; and Sasuke felt his insides twist as he tried to swallow past the lump that was forming in the back of his throat.

His mind was growing hazy with his sexual desire as it continued to grow even stronger; while the young man tried to hold it at bay to the very best of his ability. It was becoming harder and harder as the days went by; with the subtitle flirting and gentle caressing that was being tossed around between them as the pair began to explore the more physical side of their newly formed relationship.

They hadn't gone so far as to have intercourse yet, but Sasuke had stolen a kiss or two when no one else was aware... and his feisty female had made several passes of her hand over his (very hard) crotch during those times; teasing him with the idea of wanting to go further, but the Uchiha knew that she was not going to push him; which Sasuke was immensely appreciative of.

But tonight—

The dark-haired shinobi didn't know if he would be capable of restraining himself any longer. His arousal had grown to form a large and rather uncomfortable tent in the front of his pants and no amount of adjusting would hamper his need for—

He was thankful that Sakura wouldn't be witness to the embarrassing (though rather proud) lump. He thought that she would be willing (he knew he certainly was) ... but they both seemed to be to skating around the obvious; afraid to push each other past where they had currently been leaving it. He thought about getting up and going off to take care of his growing problem (like he had in the past) when the third event occurred.


He swallowed multiple times; his throat bobbing over and over again as his gaze held hers. She was peaking at him from between the tent's flaps and although her normally pale cheeks seemed to be covered by a deep blush... and her chakra levels were wild and erratic... he saw a new kind of determination in the depths of her eyes. One that he knew meant she had a plan and nothing would be changing her mind. Sakura was a very, very stubborn woman after all.

He couldn't see her body due to her holding the fabric of the tent tightly in her fist, but knew that she was still practically naked as he hadn't seen her dress. Sasuke's cock twitched as he watched her bite the plump flesh of her bottom lip; wishing it could be his teeth biting her instead. Her green eyes shifted slightly and she was now gazing at him from underneath her thick, dark lashes.

"Would you like to join me tonight?"

He already knew the answer and so, instead of responding to her question with words, he rose from his precarious position on a wooden stump; allowing his thick coat to fall from his shoulders and made his way towards her... his intentions clear in both his gaze and stride.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now