The Doll Diaries: Shopping for a New House

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(Another little installation to go along with the one titled "The Doll Diaries: A Trip to the Market". This is a sasusaku au snippet.)


One hour earlier:

"Sasuke-kun," the patriarchs' wife's soft, melodic voice reached his eardrums from the other room.  Sasuke was seated at the Uchiha's dining room table, while reading a mission's scroll, when he heard her and he lifted his head slightly in the general direction from which she had just called out to him; in order for his young wife to be able to properly hear his low, though very distracted, response as his mismatched gaze remained on the document in front of him.

"What is it, Sakura?" His sharp hearing picked up on the sounds of some slight shuffling from the room that his wife was currently occupying... which was then followed by a small thump. After a softly spoken string of curse words, that came from the pinkette soon after as Sakura began to clean up whatever it was, she had just knocked over, Sasuke couldn't stop his lips from pulling up into a soft smirk. It was a rare thing to hear his lover curse, outside of the bedroom that is, and the man found it quite amusing to say the least. However, what he didn't find amusing (and what wiped the smirk off his lips almost instantly) was her response to his question.

"We have to go shopping after we eat a quick breakfast." Sasuke Uchiha loathed anything to do with shopping, no matter what it was for. His thin lips pulled downwards further as he finally dragged his gaze away from the document to stare blankly at the empty doorway that led out into the hallway; contemplating if he wanted to go to her or not. Luckily for him though he didn't have to make that decision because within a few seconds after he had this thought, in walked his wife; wearing one of his old t-shirts, that reached down to her knees, and a pair of soft and fluffy looking slippers that matched the soft pink color of her hair. The matriarch smiled warmly at him in greeting as she came to his side; leaning down to give him a quick peck on the cheek before making her way to the stove. His eyes never left her backside as she began to work on fixing their breakfast.

"...for what," he finally decided to ask and a tiny amount of dread began to fill the empty pit in his stomach while he waited anxiously for his wife's reply.

She continued to stir the eggs before dumping them out and onto a couple plates; her hands then reached to grab a few pieces of raw bacon before throwing them onto the hot skillet. "Little Meisuke and Meikura need a new place to live; the other one that we have for them is simply too tiny."

Sasuke sighed as he shook his head. "Sakura... they don't need..."

But Sakura completely ignored his protest as she placed his plate in front of him before taking the seat across from his. His wife's viridescent eyes twinkled brightly as she continued. "I want to get them a two story. I feel like the single story is just too small for them. So, we will go once we get done eating, okay?"

Sasuke sighed again; knowing there was no point in arguing with this... annoying woman of his. He stared into her expectant gaze with his black and purple orbs; his expression softening drastically. 'There's absolutely no point in arguing because deep down... I know that I don't want to. I want to make Sakura happy, no matter what.' With his decision now made, Sasuke took a small bite of his eggs before responding with a simple grunt; he knew his wife would understand the meaning of it... she always had.




Exactly two hours later, the Uchiha patriarch found himself wander up and down the aisles of a quaint little toy shop; following behind his pink-haired wife as she perused all of the doll houses with a curious, though precise, gaze. "Sasuke-kun, I don't really like that one," she said with as her plump lips pulled her feminine features into a soft scowl; her long digit pointed at the two-story dollhouse she had been standing in front of for nearly five whole minutes; examining its intricate details with a sharp eye. Sasuke rolled his dark orbs, but otherwise stood stoically by her side; trying to be patient as his wife took her time.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now