Getting Pregnant by an Uchiha

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When a one-night stand turns into an accidental pregnancy, Sakura has no idea who exactly it was that she had ended up in bed with. A mafia boss's son was definitely NOT on the top of her list of professions she would have guessed him to have. Unfortunately for her... that's exactly who and what he was.

She had only known him by one name when they met; Sasuke. If she had known who his family was and where he came from... she never would have gotten involved; for the repercussions could be downright deadly; for not just her, but for her (their) unborn child as well.

His tactics at trying to "control her" are barbaric (at best) and his attitude towards other people is atrocious. Can Sakura learn to get along with her "Baby Daddy" or will he continuously push her away with his arrogant and righteous behavior?

Rated 18+ for cursing.

Sasusaku au snippet. Mafia boss's son Sasuke; barista Sakura.

(The description is long because I may make it into more than one part and I had considered making it into an actual story...)


"Sasuke, you bastard! You can't keep me locked up in this fucking room for the rest of my life," she screamed, legs and fists flying out at the wooden door violently; the only barrier that was blocking her way to freedom... and to him. Sakura Haruno desperately wished she could reach him in order to pummel the big jerk into the ground for his arrogant and caveman-like behavior. Her anger was palpable and he knew that if he was in there with her, those kicks and punches of hers would be directed at him.

"Watch me, Sakura." The youngest Uchiha nearly smirked when he heard her shouting a long string of incoherent curse words that were directed at his pride and his manhood more specifically. The door to her room continued to rattle dangerously and noisily as she continuously threw her fist, feet, and body against it. He shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. "You had better stop that nonsense before you injure yourself, Sakura."

"Do you honestly think that I give a fuck about that, dickhead," Sakura screeched. "Honestly, the way that you treat women is atrocious and disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself, you overgrown man baby. I mean seriously, I only called you because I wanted to try and have a fucking pleasant conversation with you about our current... situation... but no; you had to go and be a damn asshole about it and fucking kidnap me!"

"How I treat you is completely different to how I treat other women, Sakura." Sasuke was a little disappointed that she would think so little of him. Couldn't she see that he was doing all of this out of concern... that it really and truly was for her own good, rather than a way of simply being flat out cruel. Sasuke heard her dry laugher from the other side of the barrier and sighed.

"Ha, how is it different... how am I different?"

"I don't give a damn about other women; I never have. I've only ever cared about you." He listened and watched as her violent assault on the poor door slowly begin to cease... before it was over and everything was left in complete calm and silence.

He remained on the opposite side; standing close enough to hear her harsh panting sounds from the other side of the door. He closed his eyes and placed a large, single hand on the wall; wishing that he could hold Sakura and look into her eyes so that she could see the truth behind his words. But even Sasuke, as inexperienced with the opposite sex as he was, was still smart enough to understand that it just wasn't the time nor the place to try and get into her personal space; so, he remained rooted to the spot, waiting for her to respond and after several long, silent moments had passed between them... she finally did. 

"You... care about me," her voice was skeptical and he couldn't fault her for being weary of him; she hardly knew him after all, so it was a natural response.


"Well... you have a funny way of showing it," she scoffed; anger and bit clearly back in her tone. 'Feisty as always I see. Glad that hasn't changed or I would be slightly disappointed.' He did smirk then and took a small step closer before lowering his hand back to his side and then placing it into the warmth of his pant pocket; while also resting the side of his head against the wall beside her "prison" as she so eloquently put it. 

"How else am I supposed to keep the mother of my unborn child, and said child, safe when she's too stubborn to listen to a word that I say."

"What!?! I... you didn't even give me a chance to speak, Sasuke," she growled; the door rattling as she slammed her fist (or possibly foot; he wasn't entirely sure which it was) into it. "All you did was tell me that I... we... were going to come and live here... with you and your brother. When I refused to do so, you grabbed me and threw me over your shoulder before throwing me into your car! When we got here, you dragged me to this stupid room and locked me inside! How in the hell was I supposed to react when we hardly even know each other; apart from the one-night stand that is! You can't expect me to be happy about all of this!"

"Well... you may not know me Sakura, but I most certainly know a lot about you. From your files, it seems that you have..."

"Wait just a mother fucking minute?!! What do you mean by files?" The woman's angry cursing and insults started anew... along with the frantic pounding on the door... when Sasuke told her of how he had come to acquire files on her personal life after learning that she was pregnant with his child.

The young man slowly walked away, deciding to allow her some time to cool off a little before he would come back to hopefully have a more "civil conversation" about their current situation. He needed to discuss security arrangements for her, foreseeable stay, with his father and brother anyway.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now