Traveling with a Newborn ❄️

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Traveling with a newborn.

A sasusaku blank period snippet.


It may have been the beginning of April, but the winter season seemed to be in full force as the small family made their way through a forest... navigating easily through the dense brush, from years and years of practice.

The tiny babe was nestled against her mother's chest for warmth, wrapped in a thickly woven cloth that they found in a small, semi-desolate village on their way back to the small village hidden in the leaves; back to their friends and family; back to Konoha.

A snowstorm blew in around them quickly, and so Sasuke used his susanoo to shield his wife and firstborn from the wintery onslaught. Sakura held her daughter protectively with one arm while the other held her cloak tightly around her shoulders; her eyes squinting as they made their way through the knee-high snow.

She chuckled, startling Sasuke and causing his gaze to be drawn to her. She gave him a sheepish grin. "We just had to have her in winter... didn't we." His expression softened and he reached over to brush some snow from her cheek.

"It didn't matter when...," he said simply and continued to advance. "But it would have been easier if we had beaten the storms."

"I'm sorry, Anata...," Sakura spoke softly as a warm smile graced her lips. "Sarada just couldn't wait to meet you any longer."

His mismatched orbs shifted to the small tuff of black hair sticking out from his wife's shirt and smiled. "I couldn't wait to meet her either. She was late though, so she could have held off for a couple more days or so."

Sakura chuckled loudly then, the sound warming his heart on this cold, wintery day. "I guess so, but only by a couple of days... remember, Sasuke-kun. I still can't believe that she was supposed to be born on my birthday."

"And conceived on mine," Sasuke whispered and Sakura turned to him with a curious gaze.

"What was that, Anata?"


It was then that Sarada began to fuss a little, both parents stopping quickly to assess their daughter. Sasuke frowned. "Is she alright, Sakura? Is she hungry? Cold? Do we need to stop and rest?"

His pink-haired wife placed a soothing hand upon his right shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze for reassurance. "I think she's fine. She's still warm to the touch and her little cheeks are flushed a healthy pink. She just ate about half an hour ago... so she shouldn't be hungry. She's probably just getting a little bit restless is all. We are almost home, so let's keep going. Everyone is waiting for us, you know."

"Hai. Let's go then, Tsuma."

When the snowstorm had finally let up and they made it to a break in the trees, they could just see the gates of Konoha on the horizon... with a group of people anxiously waiting to welcome them home.

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