🔞 Wet Dreams: Part 1 🔞

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Being woken up by his partner wasn't something new to him, but the reason for her waking him this time... most certainly was.

A blank-period smuttish snippet. (Involves masturbation.)


—Sasuke's POV—

A fire was crackling, the ghost of its heat licking their skin as the soft sounds of animals scurrying and owls hooting registered to only a select few; none of which were Sakura or Sasuke.

At least, not at first. Not until—

A delicate, feminine gasp was the first sound to reach his ears (from beside him), but he ignored it... at first anyway. When it was followed by a low moan, his senses became more alert.

'Sakura? What is she doing?'

The woman in question tossed several times... seemingly restless and attempting to find a more comfortable position in her slumbering state. Her foot brushed against his calf as she stretched and he turned his head over. Though his eyes remained firmly shut, his mind began to wonder.

'Is she hurting? Is it that time of the month again already? Is she hot? Is Sakura feeling a little...'

"S-S-Sasuke," Sakura groaned. That is when his eyes flew wide open. When he peeked at her, they grew to the size of dinner plates. 'Gulp. She's, oh fuck, she's—'

Sakura's pink tresses were splayed around her head in a messy halo, while her top had risen up to show the milky flesh of her abdomen... its thin straps hanging low on her shoulders, with the upper half exposing a good portion of her breast.

He swallowed slowly as his gaze shifted downwards.

Sakura wore no shorts tonight (he wasn't quite sure when she had taken them off) and the lacy, flimsy (black) fabric of her panties hung precariously on the sharp curve of her hips, while her hands were...

... while her hands were—

"Fuck...," he hissed, feeling a new sort of heat rising to his cheeks. His voice seemed to startle her for a moment and he held his breath, waiting, but then she stuttered back to life; her fingertips hidden from his view, but his imagination picturing what they were doing solely based on her hands quickened movements.

'Is she awake? (He lifted his head to check.) No, she's not. Damn it, why is she... what is she... I can't watch this! Can I? No, Sasuke. It wouldn't be appropriate. But I just... (he swallows again slowly) just one peak won't hurt. Will it?'

His eyes shifted again and he watched as her hips lifted to meet the gentle, but quick, thrusting of her fingers. Sakura gasped again and her head tossed to the side, facing him this time as she continued with her actions; her expression contorted in pleasure.

Sasuke felt his body stiff all over, the parts of him that had lay dormant for so long... no longer wanting to be ignored. Small beads of sweat began to drip down his temples and he clenched his lone fist in order to keep from reaching out towards her. He tried to force his gaze away, he really did, but he just couldn't as he watched her come undone next to him.

"S-S...Sasuke," she panted, moaning one final time before her body came to a jerky stop; her limbs going lax as her face changed into one of complete serenity. He couldn't stop himself from looking lower, his eyes darkening at the sight of the dampness in the center of her panties.

'Fucking hell, Sakura.'

His nails dug into his palm once before he jerked the cover off of his body... rising swiftly to his feet and walking to the opening of the cave that they were using as a makeshift home for the night. He scrubbed his hand down the length of his face several times, before running it along his scalp. The gentle, cool breeze did nothing to stifle the heat in his nether regions.

A forced breath left his thin lips when the firm bulge in his pants twitched painfully against the restricting fabric. He looked down; lips pulled into a deep frown while his black brows creased; the tension in his body pulling his muscles taunt. He glared at his erection as if that would somehow make it go away.

'I can't sleep with this... I need to calm down.'

The image of Sakura pleasuring herself flashed across his mind at this, making him groan lowly and he sighed again.

'I'm going to have to take care of this... if I'm going to get any more sleep tonight. (He started to undo the strings on his pants.) Maybe if I... (his fingertips find the hem) I think I can get away with it if I just... (his hand reached between skin and fabric) it will only take a couple of minutes to... (it lowers slowly) to finish. Sakura won't know. She's—'

"Sasuke-kun...," came a sleepy voice from behind him and the Uchiha froze on the spot; his fingertips just centimeters away from his cock. "What are you doing...," she asks and he can feel her gaze upon his back. He's been caught.


My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now