🌲 Shampoo 🌲

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After peeling off her clothing, Sakura reached her hand out to test the waters warmth before she decided to step into the shower. Instantly the heat and pressure of the spray soothed her aching muscles and she pressed her forehead against the cool tiles, letting it work its magic for a few minutes before sighing tiredly. She was ready to crawl under her comforter and cuddle up next to her boyfriend; her body and mind both desperate for sleep. Boyfriend. What a foreign concept that word was to the young Haruno. She still couldn't believe that they had finally made things official between them. She had initially thought it wasn't the case because neither had voiced it out loud until a couple days ago when Sasuke just casually threw the g word out like it was nothing. She still blushed, even now, just thinking about the exchange. The poor nurse at the front desk had to practice pull her jaw off the floor when Sasuke had come looking for her and used that word when inquiring about her whereabouts.

Eager to go to Sasuke and ready to relax for the evening she reached for her bottle of shampoo only to be disappointed as the thick substance failed to drop into her open palm. She shook the bottle vigorously in hopes it would dislodge any and all of what remained inside but alas still nothing. Empty. Damn it. Shannaro. She tsked in disappointment before reaching around the curtain to toss the empty bottle in the trash. Now what? Her brain was too tired to think so she glanced around quickly before her eyes settled on another bottle sitting just to the right of the bathtub. Should she use his instead? She needed to wash, a small layer of filth crusted her skin and she knew there were probably small specs of blood and grim still clinging to her wet locks. Shrugging her shoulders, she reached for it and dumped a small glob into her hand. 

She brought it to her nose, sniffing deeply before scrubbing it into her scalp. The woodsy, masculine scent surrounded her and she felt her body relax further. She secretly loved the fact that she would smell like Sasuke; his scent was always a small comfort to her, especially when she was having a rough day and could cuddle up close to him at night, letting it surround her like a second skin. Would he care? Probably not. Did she really care if he did? No. She smiled to herself before turning the water off and stepping out of the shower.
Something was different tonight but Sasuke couldn't put his finger on what it was. His girlfriend was lying beside him, that was normal. His lone arm was wrapped securely around her middle, that was also normal. So, what could it be? Girlfriend. The word suddenly struck him...hard, and he swallowed past the thick lump forming in his throat. He couldn't believe that he was even able to use that word, especially when it came to Sakura. He never thought, after everything he had done, that being with her would ever have been a possibility but he thanked his lucky stars that she had never given up on him; her love had always been pure and constant, it would always and forever be his anchor whenever he felt the darkness within threaten to consume him. She was his rock, his heart, and now his life. He felt like the luckiest man on earth because he had her...the very epitome of spring was his to hold and to cherish. He swore to himself he would never let her go...at least not until his dying breath that is. 

He looked at the back of Sakura's head as he pulled her slightly closer. He heard her sigh before she pressed her smaller hand against his where it rested on her flat stomach. He kissed her hair before closing his eyes, intent on catching a few hours of sleep before dawn but suddenly his eyes snapped open. He inhaled deeply as his nose rested against the back of her hair. His mismatched eyes widened slightly as he suddenly realized what was different. Hmm, is that...

"Sakura," his deep voice penetrated the silence and she hummed to let him know she was still awake and listening. "Did you use my shampoo?" He felt her body stiffen and smirked knowingly; even though he couldn't see her face he knew she was probably blushing, if he had to guess the color, he would probably say her cheeks would be as red as a tomato. She was always quick to blush whenever it came to him.

"Oh well I was out and I didn't have any more. I promise I will go to the store tomorrow and get some. I just didn't have time today with work and everything. It was so busy today that I barely had time to think. But I will make sure I have time tomorrow to go and..."

"Sakura," he grunted, grasping her hand in his before squeezing it tightly. "I don't mind." He snuggled closer to her back and rested his chin against the top of her head before closing his eyes. "I was just curious," he whispered.

"Oh...a-are...are you sure?"

"Hn." In fact, he loved it but he wouldn't tell her that...not yet anyway.

"O-oh...okay. Good." She snuggled back down until she was completely relaxed. "Sasuke-Kun," she called softly and he grunted in reply, already feeling the trendles of sleep pulling him under. "I love you Sasuke-Kun."

"I love you too, Sakura," he said before sleep consuming him. A peaceful, though small, smile resting on his face as he slept soundly beside his lover.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now