🔞 Spotted 🔞

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(Boruto era; sasusaku smut. Inspired by an idea from one of my friends!)


A frenzied, erotic, and almost feral form of sexual passion is how the two blonde friends would have described it, to anyone who would care to stop and listen to their wild tale; however, that's only if they had a death wish. Because if the pair even so much as breathed a word of what they had just seen to anyone... that is exactly what would befall them both.

Naruto Uzumaki and Ino Yamanaka sat, side by side, on one of the wooden benches that rested along Konoha's busy streets in stunned silence; both of them had their eyes and mouths wide open as they tried to figure out if what they had just seen was real or if it was just an elaborate illusion brought upon them by the Uchiha's patriarch himself.


After having run into Ino on his way out of the Hokage's office, Naruto decided to go along with her to the Uchiha's home; since he was wanting to ask Sasuke to train with him for a little while and Ino was going over there to see if Sakura wanted to go out and get some drinks with the girls since it was her one night off this week.

The two loud-mouthed blondes walked up the small flight of stairs and knocked on the front door but after a few minutes of waiting, they had still received no response. Naruto had decided to push his way inside anyway when he found it to be unlocked and Ino quickly followed behind him. After taking their sandals off they walked into the darkened hallway and called out once more to their friends, but still received no reply. As they stepped into the house further, they began to hear some strange noises coming from the back of the home. Of course, Naruto (overreacting as usual) thought it might have been some sort of an intruder, so they decided to sneak up on the perpetrator before they could take anything of valuable. What they found however, left them both utterly stunned and they both froze in their tracks as their eyes took in the sight before them.

Sakura was sitting atop her husband's lap as he sat on the edge of their bed, bare as the day she was born, with her head thrown back (pink hair cascading down) and her eyes closed tight shut. Her hands resting on the man's shoulders as her hips rocked against him slowly and then swiftly while soft feminine moans escaped her lips; her partner held her close as he moved beneath her, matching her thrust for thrust.

"S-Sasuke...agh... more... ah, p-please..."

The patriarch grunted loudly in reply as his lone hand rested on his wife's upper back, helping to support her slightly while his lips worked against the smooth flesh of her neck; small purple marks covered the entirety of her skin there. When a small, soft gasp escaped Ino's mouth, due to her shock, she quickly tried to cover it with her hand, but it was already too late.

The pair had been spotted.

A deep shade, of both red and black, met their startled gazes; causing Naruto to flinch and Ino to jerk back in surprise. The dark-haired male continued to work on his wife's flesh, though his fingers flexed against her back as she began to grind down on him harder; she was the only one who was complete unaware of their two blonde friends' presence.

If looks could kill... then Naruto knew that both he and Ino would already have been six feet under. The Uchiha patriarch was giving them the glare of all glares, and having some form of common sense, Naruto quickly grabbed Ino by the hand before pulling her with him and shutting the door silently behind them; then the two ran from the home entirely.

-end of flashback-

"You know we can't tell anyone about this, right."

"Ino?" Naruto swallows slowly as he turns to look at the woman beside him, and when she looks at him with great intensity, the Hokage knows that she means business. He lifted his hand to rub the back of his neck nervously, before giving her a very sheepish grin. Ino just shook her head slowly before letting out a deep sigh.

"I'm serious Naruto," her blue eyes blazed and her small hands formed into tight fist. "We have to forget about it. We have to forget about what we just saw; I mean it."

"But...," he wanted to protest; but she wouldn't allow him the chance.

"Do you have a death wish?" The blonde female gave him a stern look and he let his gaze fall.

"...well... no..."

"Then you have to forget what you saw and don't say anything to anyone, got it!" Ino quickly stood and began to walk away; leaving the blonde man to sit on the bench alone while thoughts swirling and racing in his mind. Naruto Uzumaki came to the conclusion that he may not say anything to anyone... but that didn't mean it would be easy to forget the image of Sakura and Sasuke being wrapped up together, in such a heated and very passionate moment.

That, unfortunately, would forever be imprinted in the back of his mind.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now