🌸Pink to Grey🍅

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Two shinobi stood on a hilltop overlooking the vast ocean below. A gentle breeze coming off the water blew around their bodies causing their hair and clothing to billow around them like the waves crashing against the rocks below. Sasuke tilted his head to the side, dark eyes looking down at his wife who was smiled softly beside him. Her face was serene as she looked out into the setting sun and her small form was cast in a yellow hue as the sun made its decent downwards. His lips twitched upwards slightly into a soft smile...one reserved only for her as he continued to look at her, held captive in that moment as if time stood still. Years have not dimmed her beauty, he thought. Feeling unusually playful he reached out to her after a beat and grasped a strand of her soft, pink hair between his rough fingers, rubbing the silky- smooth locks gently between his fingertips before he smirking down at her softly. "You know," he started, waiting for her attention to be focused fully on him before continuing. "It's okay if your hair turns grey."

"What," she shrieked, slight panic in her voice as she grasped the long strands of pink in her hands, jerking them from his light hold and examining them with a surgeon's precision. "Are you saying my hairs turning grey!" Her green eyes were wide as she looked up at him once more, her fingers firmly clutching the ends of her hair as she waited for his answer. He loved teasing her, it was so easy.

Sasuke chuckled; the deep, rich sound startled her for a moment. It was rare he felt relaxed enough to smile let alone laugh and the sound quickly died off as his lips pulled into a gentle smile. He placed his lone hand on her soft cheek and a deep satisfaction ran through his veins when she nuzzled into his touch. "No, it's not. Calm down," he chanted gently, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on her forehead before brushing his lips softly against hers. "I'm saying if it does you will be no less beautiful to me than you were years ago. So, don't worry about it."

"S-Sasuke...," she couldn't stop the small blush from spreading across her heated skin and her eyes flickered downwards for a brief moment before they searched for his once more, holding him captive once again in their green depths. He grasped her chin gently between his fingers as he gazed down at her.

"You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. No matter our age, no matter our future, I will love you Sakura...always." In that moment nothing else mattered but each other, all was right in the world.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now