Sarada's Question

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Sarada walked into the kitchen of her small home only to see her Papa sitting at the kitchen table, a scroll in his hand as her mother (humming softly) stirred the contents of a pot that was currently bubbling from the heat of the stove, the delicious smell coming from it made her mouth water. "I'm home," she called out to her parents (her mother greeted her in kind) as she made her way to the counter. Placing her palms on the cool surface she pushed herself up slightly so she could glance into the pot. Her mother was making miso soup, much to her delight. "Need any help?"

"No go relaxes, dear. Dinner will be ready in about 5 minutes," her mother smiled warmly at her as she ruffled her young daughter's dark hair kindly. Sarada pushed her mother's hand away gently, smiling as she took the chair beside her father. Turning she noticed he hadn't glanced up when she came in nor did he acknowledge her presence in any way other than a sharp nod and a gentle grunt in her general direction. She frowned.

"I didn't realize you would be home, Papa," she tried engaging him in conversation and was pleased when he looked up from his scroll to give her his undivided attention.

"I had something to discuss with Naruto and decided to spend a couple days at home," was his simple answer. Always straightforward and to the point her Papa was but she was glad to see him looking relaxed and less harsh than usual (she figured it was because he was home with his girls otherwise, she was sure he wouldn't have let his guard down so willingly).

"Do you think we could...," but her courage died for a minute, preventing her from finishing her thoughts and she lowered her eyes to the floor as she wrung her hands together nervously. Her Papa cleared his throat causing her to look up at him, eyes widening when she saw the small smile on his face. Encouraged by his soft gaze she swallowed before trying again. "Can we...well I was thinking that...maybe we could train a little while your home?" She held her breath as she waited for his answer. Seconds ticked by and she began to grow anxious until his dark eyes crinkled and his smile grew into a wide smirk.

"Hn." He turned back to his scroll then, effectively ending their short conversation but the smile on Sarada's face grew by the second. She would get to spend some time with her father before he had to leave again and she could hardly contain her excitement. When she glanced at her mother, she saw a warm smile similar to her own and felt a sudden warmth envelope her. She was home, with both her parents and in that moment, she felt like the luckiest girl in the world.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now