✨Meeting You✨

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(Sasusaku au meeting @ a college party)

The music surrounding them both was thumping loudly in their chest but neither teen seemed to notice; the noise taking a back seat to the even louder sounds of their beating hearts. Slowly and cautiously they made their way through the throng of college students bumping and grinding against one another on the dance floor. Their movements were in sync as they approached, apart from the occasional jostling one of them would take when someone inadvertently bumped into them. Their eyes always remained locked, onyx on green; both shining with eager anticipation.

They both stopped simultaneously, only inches apart and the young woman had to tilt her head upwards at an angle while the young man tilted his down (due to their height difference) so their eyed could remain locked. Passion, longing, and slight hesitation passed between their heated stare. They only broke contact when the female licked her suddenly dry lips; the man's eyes following the movement before quickly returning to their previous position. After a brief pause the dark-haired male stuffed his hands in the front pockets of his jeans while the young woman tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. He tilted his head slightly while he watched her, lips pulling upwards into his signature smirk and he watched on with deep satisfaction as the pinkette blushed deeply.

"I'm Sasuke." His voice was smooth as silk, racing across her skin and causing it to tingle in eager anticipation. She felt her heartbeat quicken and it took her a few seconds to gain awareness back into her muddled brain. She was glad he seemed to be patiently waiting for her to regain herself, though it was slightly embarrassing.

She sent him a warm smile. "I'm Sakura. It's nice to meet you."

His smirk grew. "Hn. Likewise." They left the party together that night, eager to get away from the loud music and drunken students; excited to get to know one another on a more personal level and secretly thankful for their loud-mouthed friends for dragging them to the party in the first place.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now