She's Mine 🐺

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Sasuke protects what's his; and when he realizes that Sakura is his mate, he will do anything and everything in his power to defend her.

Sasusaku au snippet. Werewolf Sasuke & human Sakura. A high school au where I picture Sakura knowing nothing of the supernatural world.


Sasuke was in the middle of taking his afternoon run (in wolf form), when he heard it. It was her. It was—


Her agonizing screams pierced the stillness and silence of the afternoon air; causing every single hair on his body to rise to full attention. His head shifted quickly to the side and his muzzle lifted in the air; sniffing.

Once Sasuke had locked onto the female's scent, he took off (at full-speed) in her direction. When her cries grew silent, he began to panic; seconds before he entered the parking lot of his school.

That, is where he found his beloved.

Sakura was lying prone on the ground, with blood trickling down one of her arms and a small streak across her temple; with a giant wolf zeroing in on her unconscious form.


Its jowls were salivating, and it was approaching her with clear intent in its eyes. Sasuke growled dangerously, before sprinting forward; slamming into the wolf's body with a force that caused the other wolf to stagger backwards.

As the other wolf took a few seconds to regain its footing, he moved to his mate's side; nuzzling her cheek to try and get some type of reaction from her, but when he didn't... his wolf whimpered.

The wolf across from him snarled his irritation (at being interrupted) and took a threatening... and cautious step forward; but Sasuke wasn't having it.

'Sakura, my love... I will protect you. With my life, if that's what it takes.'

Sasuke allowed for his wolf to take full control of the situation. The wild beast shook its fur, before taking a step towards the threat; his large, black body coming up and over, to hover over Sakura's in both a protective and rather dominant manner; claiming what was rightfully his to protect... and to love.

His black pelt stood up on his spine, from the top of his wide shoulders to the tip of his fluffy tail. His lips parted to reveal sharp, white teeth as a low growl left his lungs. Sasuke took a defensive stance against the newcomer; not backing down and as an alpha wolf, (a male at that) it came as no real surprise.

The other wolf (unconsciously) took a small step back, and Sasuke followed him; step for step for step. Their ears went back and they continued to snarl and growl at one another; sizing each other up until Sasuke had successfully placed his body between his unconscious mate and the unknown wolf.

His wolf snapped its teeth in anger; vocalizing his agitated state with a deep growl. He was the first to attack; body flying forward and seconds later, his sharp canines clamped onto the fatty tissue of the other wolf's shoulder. It yelped in pain and somehow managed to wiggle its way out of his grasp.

It lunged; attempting to grab Sasuke's throat, but missed. Sasuke quickly turned and sank his teeth into the hindquarters of the wolf, before snapping them closed; effectively breaking the bone clean in half.

The brown wolf hobbled away; back leg dangling at its side as it glowered at him. He knew it was a lost cause, but still—

He tried to lunge one the last time; mouth gaping open as he attempted to catch Sasuke's more  dominant wolf off guard. He wasn't having it. He ducked and then dodged the attack easily before diving down low to swipe the wolf's legs out from under it. He whipped around quickly to clamp his teeth on its throat; before effectively cutting off the airway.

The other wolf fought him for a few minutes more prior to succumbing to his injuries; his body going  completely limp in Sasuke's jaws. Sasuke held on for another minute though, to make sure he was really and truly dead, then released the wolf's body with a gentle thud.

He was licking his muzzle clean when he heard a faint, low gasp from behind him. He turned slowly to see that his beloved mate was staring at him. She was sitting with both of her legs bent in front of her slightly and had a small hand placed over her gaping mouth. The young woman's emerald irises were widened with terror; and she scrambled backwards slowly in fear.

His large wolf whimpered at the evident fear in its mates' expression and lowered onto its underbelly before slowly crawling towards her.

Sakura paused in her attempt to get away when she met his black eyes. So, they were so familiar to her; but—

"N-no... it... it can't be true. I must be dreaming... I...," Sakura was still rambling when he stopped in front of her; his wet nose brushing against one of her feet and ankles while he stared up at her with desperation in his eyes.

Pleading with her not to run. Silently begging her to not be afraid of him; the thought of which was absolutely devastating; to both him and his wolf. To understand that it was him inside of this wolf's body and to know that he would never harm her.

He waited for Sakura to make the next move; and watched intently as she slowly (with a somewhat shaky hand) reached out to brush her fingertips against the top of his nose. It tickled, but he held completely still; allowing his mate to explore him as she wished.

Sakura moved to his forehead next, and then his ears... before resting her palm against his neck. Her body had visibly relaxed, and her eyes held his. "It's really you...," Sakura whispered; evident shock in her tone. He snorted as a response and then lifted his head to lick the female's cheek affectionately.

She giggled; the sound not exactly cheerful, but more so one of utter awe. His tail began to wag and she noticed; smiling almost shyly at him. "I think that we have a lot to talk about... Sasuke."

Indeed, they did.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now