The Black Widow & Her Prey

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(Sasusaku au snippet)

It's times like this when he almost regrets getting involved with her. But then again, it wouldn't be nearly as fun if their relationship was normal... now would it.


She pressed the blade against his throat tighter; her green eyes flashed dangerously as she licked her dry lips. He felt a sharp, stinging sensation when the weapon she was using against him cut deep into his throat and a warm trickle of blood began to train downwards; staining his shirt with his own fluids.

"I can't wait to kill you," she purred while leaning into him; allowing her hand (the one that wasn't holding the weapon) to trail up the full length of his inner thigh... moving closer and closer to his eagerly awaiting crotch. Anticipation filled him as her warm breath fanned his neck right before her tongue ghosted across his heated flesh; lapping at the red goo that was sticking to his skin. "I'm going to watch the life drain from your eyes, love; and I'm going to enjoy it... immensely."

Sakura's fingers brushed the apex of his thighs and the pressure of several bony digits began to push against the head of his already semi-hard cock. Sasuke smirked (darkly) at his enemy/lover when she leaned back a little in order to gage his reaction to her petting and the male tightened his grip on the thick ropes that were binding his wrist behind his back; ready to break them with a quick snap of his wrists.

"Is that so," he hissed between his teeth and his voice had somehow remained mostly calm, apart from the slightly deep undertone; which was born from the growing... sexual tension that had been quietly festering between the two... from the very moment in which he had first arrived at her lair.

Her viridescent orbs scanned Sasuke slowly and thoroughly; almost as if she was sizing him up or trying to decide what she wanted to do with him next... before she pressed the full surface of her palm against him. Sasuke couldn't stop his body from tensing nor could he even hope to silence the deeply suppressed moan that vibrated in the back of his throat at the contact. He knew that she felt empowered by this when her plump lips pulled up before forming a rather wicked looking smirk; the likes of which caused the man's insides to twist while his semi-hard member became fully erect in the restricting fabric of his pants.

"Oh, most definitely, love."

The term was almost endearing; almost... being the key word—

With the final few strands of his restraint broken; Sasuke pulled his arms apart quickly and with a final (loud) rip... and using all of the strength that he could muster... he was free.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now