Observing Training

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(Sasuke travels back in time & comes across a young Sakura and Tsunade training session. I wrote this one in like 5-10 minutes so I didn't edit much...sorry!)
Sasuke watched on as his wife's younger self fought hard against her master, the fifth Hokage; his face holding a neutral expression, his person almost appearing bored with the whole situation, although, he felt his muscles bunch with tightness and tension a few times when she was hit a little too hard for his liking; giving away his true feelings. He was fighting with himself to not intervene on her behalf because even though it hurt him deeply to see her hurting, he knew that she needed this...this is part of what made her who she was and so he continued to only observe.

One particular kick from the Sannin had young Sakura crumpled in a heap on the forest floor, clutching her side as her face twisted with pain; the sound of her ribs cracking had Sasuke's teeth grinding together and he closed his mismatched eyes firmly from the sight, his fist clinching tightly at his side. 'Don't intervene...you can't.' Even though he knew those words were the truth, it still hurt him seeing his wife in such a state. He knew she had trained hard but hearing about it and seeing it firsthand brought out new emotions in the Uchiha, ones that had his heart clinching painful in his chest. He had told himself he never wanted to see her hurting again...and yet here he was, watching her being beaten by her old master, unable to do anything about it; that infuriated him more than he thought it would.

He was brought back to reality when he heard a soft moan coming from across the field and his dark eyes opened reluctantly before they landed on the small pinkette who was attempting to rise to her feet, her arms clutched around her abdomen but her face was twisted in a mixture of both pain and determination. "Giving up yet," Tsunade's voice rang across the distance between them and he watched as she stood straight, hand placed on her hip as she watched her young disciple struggle to her feet. Sakura panted harshly after finally rising to her feet and placed her hands on her knees to try and steady herself.

"N-no, I... I won't give up...I can't...," she huffed as she finally rose into a defensive stance. Her small body shook slightly but her expression was set into a deep frown. Sasuke watched on from the shadows, his heart racing...waiting...though for what, he wasn't sure.

"Why not give up, you're clearly no match for me. Your still too weak, Sakura."

"That's the whole point isn't it," Sakura sighed. "I have to get stronger. In order to do that I have to keep pushing myself...even past my limits. You're the one who taught me that if I don't keep going, even beyond what I think I'm capable of then I won't ever reach my full potential. I... I have to keep going. I can't give up now. I have to get stronger..."

"Tell me why you're pushing yourself so hard," the blonde woman questioned as she tilted her head slightly.

Sakura lowered her head, her eyes squeezing tightly as if she was remembering something painful before she opened them once more but she kept her eyes directed downwards. When she spoke, her voice was soft and despondent. "I've never been strong enough. I wasn't strong enough to stop Orochimaru from cursing Sasuke-kun in the forest of death. I wasn't strong enough to keep my teammates safe when we were attacked by those sound ninja...and I...," her voice tapered off slightly and Sasuke saw tears forming in her vibrant green eyes. He felt his throat tighten as he watched on. "I wasn't strong enough to stop Sasuke-kun from leaving the village that night..." Her gaze rose and her green eyes focused on the older woman's before she spoke again. "That's why I have to get stronger. I want to be able to help them...to walk beside them. I want to be able to do my part and not sit in the background...helpless as I watch my teammates fall while they try to protect me. I don't want to be a burden to anybody...not anymore. But I don't want to get strong for just Naruto and Sasuke-kun. I want to do it for me as well, I want to become the best kunoichi I can be. I want to help others and make a difference."

Tsunade's face twisted into a smile before she squared off against the young girl. "Fine. Are you ready to continue? I can heal you later."

"Hai." Sasuke watched the pair for hours as they exchanged blows, the forest shaking with their efforts, and only began to walk away once Tsunade started to heal a very exhausted Sakura. He thought back to what all his wife had gone through, only seeing it now firsthand and his appreciation for her grew even more as a soft smile formed on his face. He would have to tell her...once he returned to the present but for now, he had more pressing matters to attend to.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now