🔞Strangers: Drunkin' Exchange 🔞

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(Au sasusaku)
Never before in his young life had Sasuke Uchiha ever taken a woman to bed. He never felt the need even though plenty of girls were willing to be his first. Though they would have never known that the youngest Uchiha was still a virgin. But that all changed on his 18th birthday...
"Ah... ah... ahh... agh....," her harsh, pleasure-filled cries pierced through the haze fogging his brain and his large hands tightened more firmly around her shapely hips as she rocked herself above him. He didn't notice the slight pain of her nails digging half-moons into the slick flesh of his hardened chest as he grunted his approval beneath this exotic beauty. His gaze was focused on her delicate features though he knew that looks could be deceiving for this small woman was not weak, of that he was sure based solely on how she was practically dominating him right now; she rode his thick cock perfectly... as if she did this on the daily, which he would have bet money she didn't. He seriously hoped not anyway though he wasn't entirely sure why, they were practically strangers who had just met less than an hour ago at his family's bar. He felt very possessive of her though for some strange reason and maybe it had something to do with the alcohol in his system... yeah, he concluded, that has to be the reason.

"Fuck," he groaned, his hips coming up to meet her, thrust for thrust and he felt his balls tighten as he drew closer to his end. He didn't want it to end though for it felt like heaven being buried deep within this woman...he wanted this feeling to last forever. Gritting he teeth he raised up to wrap his strong arms around her upper back before swiftly flipping their position, him now on top of her and she gasped loudly in surprise. His movements didn't slow however, they only increased in both precision and vigor as he thrust into her relentlessly, enjoying the sounds of her cries of pleasure as her nails dug into his back harshly, her legs wrapping around him tightly.

He took great male satisfaction as he pounded into her, feeling her walls tighten slightly around his throbbing member. He wrapped his arms under her knees and pulled them up over his shoulders, the new angle in which he penetrated her causing the pinkette's cries to intensify...he felt sorry for his neighbors and brother for that matter for he was certain they all could hear every strangled cry that was now escaping this woman. Her eyes opened slightly and green met onyx; he felt his heart beat a little faster as his forceful thrusting started anew. His large hand moved between them and his thumb began rubbing her bundle of nerves just enough to finally send her over the edge. He had never seen anything more beautiful in his life than this woman when she came undone beneath him.

"Holy shit," she screamed, her back arching enough to thrust her petite breast against his sweaty chest. Her head was thrown back against his plush pillows and her mouth opened wide on a silent scream as her slick, inner walls constricted around him almost painfully. He hissed darkly as his lips came to press firmly against her exposed throat before he bit down harshly on the flesh there causing her to curse sharply, though she didn't protest otherwise. His body rocked a few more times before he buried himself deep within her, his pelvis pressing firmly against her own as he released his seed in hot, sharp spirts deep within her core. After a moment his body relaxed and he released her neck and legs before kissing the spot where he inflicted pain tenderly. It would surely bruise later he thought before slowly pulling out of her hear and rolling to the side as they both rested together, side by side; their harsh pants eventually evening out after their vigorous activities.

He turned his head to the side, his dark eyes opening slowly to look at the petite female beside him, a small smile growing on his lips as he realized she was already asleep...a gentle smile of what he assumed was satisfaction on her own lips. He closed his eyes slowly, intending to only rest a moment longer but soon the darkness pulled him under into a peaceful slumber.
The alcoholic haze that seemed to still be penetrating every part of his brain did nothing to fog his memory of the previous night's events. He smiled to himself in satisfaction as he remembered every little detail vividly and stretched his tired limbs lazily as he opened his eyes slowly. Though when the harsh morning rays seemed to stab at his eyes, the sunlight causing pain to his pupils, he hastily shut them again before turning onto his side, away from the offending light. His ears picked up the slight sound of clothes rustling and so Sasuke reluctantly opened his dark eyes once more only to spot the young woman he has taken to his bed last night attempting to dress hastily. She must have felt his gaze on her because she paused mid-dress and he saw her body tense a moment before her head lifted slowly. When her eyes met his she swiftly looked away, a light blush dusting her pale cheeks as if she was embarrassed at being caught. He smirked as he rose to a sitting position, his soft sheets falling until they barely cover his hips, showing off his muscular chest.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," she said hastily as she pulled her skirt up before snapping the buttons into place.

"So, you were going to just leave without a word," he asked, watching her curiously as she slipped on her sandals.

She sighed as if she was already tired of their conversation. "I thought it would probably be better that way...don't you think so?"

"No. I don't," he answered honestly. She looked at him in surprise as he slowly stood from the bed, letting the blankets fall to exposing his bare body fully to her gaze; not self-conscious about his appearance in the least and he watched with a growing smirk as her eyes raked his form slowly, the color of them darkening slightly with hunger for a moment before they quickly shot back up to his own eyes when she realized what she was doing. 'Hn. Like what you see...'

"I... think I... should leave," she said, licking her lips slowly. He felt his lower half begin to stir slightly at the movement and he took a step closer only to watch her green orbs widen slightly as she took a step backwards, away from him.

"What if I don't want you too," he whispered, his voice coming out roughly.

"I... I shouldn't have stayed last night...," she glanced away, blushing.

"But you did."


He stared at her a moment, neither moving or speaking until a thought came to his head. "Why don't you stay for breakfast at least. I can make something really quick and then take you home afterwards if you like." He wasn't sure why but he really didn't want her to leave, he had enjoyed her presence immensely thus far and wanted to get to know her better; maybe even pick up where they left off last night if she was willing. He took another cautious step forward and she did the same only moving backwards instead, keeping the same distance between them as before.

"That's okay. Thank you though. I'm supposed to meet my girlfriends for coffee in about 15 minutes." She began to walk away and he felt his heart clinch before it began to pound quickly against his rib cage.

"Wait!" She paused in his doorway and turned to look at him; the morning light casting her form in an ethereal glow. 'She's so beautiful.' "Can you at least tell me your name?"

"It's Sakura," she finally answered, her whispered words barely heard by him for the distance between them. "What's yours?"

"It's Sasuke."

"Sasuke huh," his name leaving her lips caused an involuntary shiver to run down his spine. 'Did she mean to say it like that...?' She turned to go once more, her hand on the doorframe and her body almost fully out of his room before he called out to her again.

"Wait, can I... get your number."

She turned then and the smile she gave him nearly took his breath away. He gulped harshly as he waited patiently for her response. She looked at him with a confidence he hadn't seen since the previous night and she stood slightly straighter as her green eyes pierced deeply into his onyx orbs. "Maybe next time." Her tone was teasing and angelic, and with those words spoken she was gone from his sight as she quickly fled the room. He stood there; feet frozen to the wooden floor as he stared after her for several minutes before he finally began to stir. His face set in a determined frown as he walked towards his bathroom. One thought on his mind as he stepped into the hot spray.

'Trust me, there will be a next time...Sakura. We will meet again and soon.'

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now