🦇 Intoxicating: Part 1🩸

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Sasuke shouldn't have done it; tasted her that is.

It was, after all, forbidden; for his kind to drink from an 'unmarked' donor. But, when he grasped her bloodied wrist in his hand and Sakura didn't pull away, he just... couldn't help himself.

He just had to know... if her taste... was as intoxicating as her scent.

Vampire Sasuke & human blood donor Sakura.

A sasusaku AU snippet.


There it was again.

That sweet, flowery scent that seemed to arouse all of his senses at once; sending his poor, undead heart into overdrive while his nostrils flared dangerously with his growing irritation. His grip on his beer tightened and he began to tune out his surroundings... attention focused fully on her; like always.

Why did he torture himself like this; daily?

Why did he insist on coming here constantly?

Why couldn't he learn to just stay away from—

"Pinky, over here."


Her voice drifted the space between them, surrounding his ears with the melody of a thousand angels, and he watched (silent and angry) as she sidled up to the table across from his; a warm smile plastered on her face as she settled onto the lap of another man.

With her back now to his chest, the female's legs came to rest on either side of the other man's; her slim thighs spreading wide open while he shifted to accommodate her weight. With her finally settled and into position, he leaned forward; whispering something quietly into her and when she nodded, he moved to her neck. Sasuke clenched his fist again when the male's mouth opened wide to reveal his sharp, glistening canines before they sank into the young woman's throat harshly.

Sasuke could hear her gasp softly, a small breath of air releasing from her lungs, while her viridescent pools of emerald widening. Pain etched across her features, but apart from the one sound, she remained silent.

'So is the life of a donor...,' Sasuke thought. 'Trained to be silent and unseen, unless needed.'

He wondered briefly why she chose this; for it wasn't a life that he would have pegged for her (based on looks alone perhaps) and he secretly wished that he could ask her about it; but he knew that it was forbidden.

Forbidden to talk to an unmarked.

Forbidden to look at an unmarked.

Forbidden to drink from an unmarked.

His dark eyes shifted to the right as an unknown male moved forward; mouth practically salivating at the sight of the pink-haired woman and when he grasped her by the arm roughly before opening his mouth, Sasuke was seeing red.

Without warning... the glass in his hand shattered, and the human beside him shrieked before jumping back in surprise. He shook the shards away with an angry hiss and shoved the woman away before rising to his feet; then walking to the back where the bathrooms resided.

After spending a few extra moments, to make himself more presentable, he exited the stalls and walked back to the front of the bar, but to his surprise... she wasn't there any longer. Sasuke began to search for her... as inconspicuous as he possibly could... before using his heightened senses to track her down when just looking failed him.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now