I've Got You

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Charasuke & Sakura au snippet.

It wasn't the first time that Sasuke had seen her like this, and even though he found it to be a little endearing, he was also growing concerned for her well-being. She wasn't taking care of herself in the way that she should be, he summarized.

'Why are you always so selfless, kitten? What am I going to do with you?'
(Yes, it's a Charasuke & Sakura au snippet and I'm calling him simply Sasuke instead of Charasuke. Please, don't come after me for it if I'm incorrect!)


Sasuke could tell that the pink-haired medic was exhausted as soon as he walked into her office.

If the large, dark circles under her eyes, unkempt clothing and messy, wayward hair wasn't enough of a testament to that fact... than her current position (and the one that Sasuke seemed to be finding her in more often than not over the past few weeks) surely would have enlightened him.

Sakura Haruno was slumped over a (once neatly  stacked) pile of medical documents with her lips parted as soft breaths escaped her lungs. One of her arms was twisted up and under her head (as a sort of makeshift pillow) while the other was bent at the elbow beside her. He spotted a pen where it hung precariously between her thin and delicate fingers; so, the Uchiha surmised that she had fallen asleep midway through whatever she had currently been working on.

Sasuke smiled softly to himself as he slowly and silently approached the sleeping woman with the practiced stealth of a well-trained ninja. He didn't want to disturb her obviously much needed rest.

"Lady Sakura has been tirelessly working for the past couple of days straight... again; so, it's really no surprise to us that she's fallen asleep," one of her nurses (the one that walked him to her office) informed him as she stood in the doorway; arms crossed over her chest and a single hip leaning against the wooden frame. Her eyes were trained on the dark-haired shinobi; tongue darting out as she nearly swooned over the unsuspecting man.  Sasuke Uchiha simply inclined his head in the woman's general direction; as his darkened gaze was solely focused on his pink-haired teammate, much to the other woman's displeasure.

The nurse frowned when the Uchiha continued to ignore her... not even giving her a single glance... and she huffed angrily under her breath; almost pouting like a petulant child.

'Sakura's always working too hard. She needs to take better care of herself, instead of worrying about others all of the time. Silly little kitten—'

"I'll take it from here, thanks," the male informed the other woman with a dismissive wave of his hand. She left them then in a huff; slipping from the room... completely unnoticed. Sasuke moved closer to Sakura in a leisurely (unhurried) manner and brushed his rough fingertips against the soft skin of her cheek before slowly lifting her into his strong arms.

The pinkette shifted marginally in the Uchiha's tight grasp and mumbled softly under her breath before twisting so that she could settle into his arms more comfortably; resting a cheek against his muscular chest and somehow remaining in an unconscious state. Sasuke smiled and began to make his way out of the hospital...

... down the blandly decorated halls and past the curious and stunned glances (glares even... from some of the woman) ...

... and towards the Haruno's home.

Sakura shifted again in his arms midway there; her hand unconsciously gripping the fabric of his shirt tightly in her fist.

Her eyebrows crinkled...
... her nose twitched...
... and her lips parted; then—


His heart beat a little faster and his smile grew a little wider at the sound of his name falling from her lips in an almost desperate whisper. It was as if... as if somehow, she knew that he was the one who was holding her so closely; and maybe on some... unconscious level... she did. Never before (in her waking hours at least) had Sasuke heard her say it with such... endearment. Under normal circumstances she would call him (and Naruto on some occasions) some sort of other name; rather than his given one. Names such as (but certainly, most definitely, not limited to) a "hopeless flirt" or a "damn Baka" for example. The male's stride remained purposeful... as he was set in his task; but now, the youngest Uchiha's composure had slipped... and he wasn't sure how he felt about it.

Though, (almost) unconsciously, Sasuke reacted to her call—

He leaned down... planting a soft and gentle kiss to the top of her forehead... before brushing his thin lips lightly against her ear. He whispered his next words to her with a mixture of both affection and conviction; the likes of which would probably get him smacked (punched) around a few times by her if he ever dared to say them while she was awake.

"Don't worry kitten, I've got you."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now