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(Sasusaku blank period; sorry I suck at coming up with titles for my snippets lol Also, I'm much more comfortable writing au stuff but I hope you still like my attempts at more cannon content.)
Sasuke watched silently from his seated position as Sakura brought a small pair of scissors up to her long hair that had grown to reach just past her upper back; the metal easily cutting the thin, pink strands as she sniped away slowly at it to try and make it as even as possible. His mismatched orbs followed the slow decent of the now free strands as the newly cut hair fell to the forest floor around her; the silky, smooth texture and bright color of it contrasting harshly against the dark colors of the surrounding forest. She was humming a soothing, calming tune as she worked diligently; one that helped ease his mind and relax his long, tired form. Sasuke felt his back press further into the large tree trunk he was currently leaning against as his muscles loosened further.

When Sakura felt her traveling companion's gaze upon her small form, she turned slightly to him with the scissors held poised just above another clump of hair she had gathered in the opposite hand and she raised a curious eyebrow at him; her humming ceased. It took him a second to notice and when he did his dark gaze moved from her hands to her eyes. "What?" His tone wasn't harsh but rather curious as he brought a dark brow up to match her own curiosity with his. The pinkette shook her head slowly after a moment of staring before she turned and resumed in the cutting of her hair.

"Nothing," was her quiet response. After feeling happy with the length and even cut she turned slightly to him once more and noticed his gaze was still upon her. She turned fully on the small stump she sat upon and placed the scissors in her lap before running her hands through her hair to get rid of any excess or loose strands that she may have missed on the previous sweep. "Well... what do you think Sasuke-kun?"

"It doesn't matter what I think. It's your hair." Sakura's face fell vaguely and she glanced away; slightly disappointed with his response. When he saw this, his own expression softened. "But...I like it. It suits you," he added and watched with silent amusement as her face brightened almost instantly and she looked back at him with a small blush staining her once pale cheeks. 

"You really think so?" Her softly spoken question was said almost shyly and he watched as her deep blush darkened further. She has always felt insecure about her features, especially when they were younger.  'She has no reason to be so insecure though,' he thought as he silently observed her with a watchful eye. 'She just doesn't realize how beautiful she truly is...'


She smiled playfully. "So, Sasuke Uchiha doesn't like girls with long hair huh." The young Uchiha knew his partner was trying to defuse and divert some of the attention from her earlier insecurities with this statement and his lips pulled up slightly into his signature smirk; the dark-haired male's only response to her statement at first before he leaning forward, his body angling towards hers.

"No, I  don't like random girls with long hair. I only like you...Sakura, and I like you just the way you are; long hair or short." Her blush deepened once again and she had to look away as she was unable to hold his intense gaze any longer. She completely missed how his thin lips twisted up further into a genuine smile due to his amusement; he secretly loved the way he still had this effect on her. Sakura cleared her throat after she regained some composure and rose to her feet slowly before she felt brave enough to meet his dark gaze once more.

"Would you want me to cut your hair as well Sasuke-kun," she asked tentatively; holding the scissors against her chest tightly as she bit her bottom lip gently. He didn't hesitate before nodding slowly; he was due for a trim anyhow so why not. He turned his back so it was facing her but decided to remain in his seated position on the ground.

"Hn," was his simple response but it was enough to make Sakura quickly moved to his side. She placed the metal instrument beside them before slowly bringing her small hands up to brush soothingly through his thick, black hair. Sasuke's eyes closed involuntarily and his lips parted on a silent sigh as he felt tingles shoot down his spine from the feel of her hands on him. He brought his lone hand up to brush against the back of her hand affectionately before placing it on his knee. After brushing her fingers thoroughly through his dark spikes to remove any tangles, she reached for the scissors. Black mixed with greens and browns as she worked; snipping away at the dark strands and when she was completely done, it was the perfect length. He met her green irises with his mismatched ones and smiled kindly at her before rising to his feet; brushing off the loose hairs that were stuck to his clothing. His eyes held hers as he whispered his thanks before bringing her in for a gentle, but quick kiss. One that still had Sakura blushing as brightly as a tomato. Sasuke smiled softly before turning away from her to gather their belongings.

'He always did like tomatoes.'

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now