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(Naruto being Naruto with slight sasusaku moment. Wanted to do something a little different and hopefully somewhat funny.)
"Seriously Naruto, you're so thick...and NOT where it counts either," Temari huffed as she placed her hands on her narrow hips; her eye roll was fully directed at the loud-mouthed blonde who stood to the side with his mouth hanging open wide as he gaped at her like a dying fish while his cheeks turned a vibrant shade of pink.

Sakura's small hand flew to her mouth as she tried to suppress a giggle and her lively green irises shined with open glee at her teammates shocked expression. Sasuke stood to the side, hand resting firmly in his pants pocket while he wore a mask of indifference; though on the inside he was smirking in satisfaction at his best friend's obvious embarrassment. Naruto's blue gaze suddenly landed on his female teammate before they widened in shock.

"Wait, you told her...," his voice was laced with a mixture of hurt and surprise.

It was Sakura's turn to gape at him before she composed herself enough to speak. "What are you talking about!?! I didn't say a word, Naruto!" Sakura's cheeks turned a deep shade of red which surprised Sasuke whose dark gaze suddenly narrowed as a thought came to him that caused the muscles throughout his entire body to become tense; his heated glare was now directed fully at Naruto. Has Sakura seen him naked? If so for what purpose and in what context? If Naruto has tried something with her...Sasuke was going to chidori him straight into the hospital; the stupid Baka.

"Relax you guys. I was just messing around." Temari held her hands up in a surrendering motion and tried desperately to defuse the growing tension within the room as Sasuke's dark aura nearly suffocated the entire group. Sakura turned to him, her green orbs attempting to meet his angry gaze but he refused to even acknowledge her as he was so focused on their blonde friend. She took small strides over to his side before she stopped and placed a reassuring hand on his chest when she was close enough. The action seemed to mellow the lone Uchiha greatly because he finally met her pleading eyes and eventually relented as he slowly began to relax under her gentle touch; their eyes locked onto each other's in a silent understanding that only the two of them were able to share. 

"I swear I haven't seen anything Sasuke-kun, and even if I had I'm sure it's nothing impressive," her small jab at Naruto's expense had the desired effect and Sasuke's lips twisted upwards into a barely noticeable smirk; his arm came around her waist possessively as he pulled her so she stood closer to his side.

"HEY! Wait a second. What do you mean by not impressive? I'll have you know..."

"Shut up you stupid Baka," Sakura's narrowed gaze caused Naruto to take several steps back, his previously defensive demeanor swiftly changing to one of slight fear. "If what Sai has said about you in the past is true, then I don't see how it would have changed much of anything now. If you weren't impressive then you most certainly won't be now." Sasuke's smirk grew as Naruto's cheeks flushed deeper with his embarrassment.

"Yeah, Sai did say something about not being very impressed last time he was here and how he thought you would have been a lot bigger considering how...," but Naruto cut Temari's words off with a hand slapping over her mouth.

"Do I always have to be the butt of every joke? Why can't we make fun of...oh I don't know... maybe the bastard for once."

"Ha," Temari scoffed as she crossed her arms over her chest. "There is nothing small about him I'm sure. I mean he is an Uchiha after all. Haven't you heard the stories?"

"What stories?" Naruto was genuinely curious and glanced over at the dark-haired male only to see him glaring back though his face showed a sense of pride and somewhat cockiness that Naruto didn't appreciate; the blonde frowned.

"Well, they say that the Uchiha have a big attitude, a big visual prowess and a big co..."

"Okay, I think he gets it Temari!" Sakura was red as a tomato, her hands pressed to her cheeks as she tried to hide her own flustered state.

"Anyways, like I said before you're an idiot Naruto."

"Hey, you didn't say I was an idiot. You said I was thick?"

"...I should have used the word dense..."

"Oh, you didn't mean my...okay never mind," Naruto sighed as he scratched the back of his neck, a small frown turned his lips downwards as he stared at the floor with a confused expression.

"You don't get it do you," Sakura asked.

"...No, not really. Could you tell me what it means," he questioned, genuinely curious as to the meaning behind the word.

Temari sighed while Sakura huffed and Sasuke grunted in annoyance. "Hn. Idiot."

"Here," Sakura groaned as she stepped away from Sasuke's side so she could face Naruto fully. "Let me explain it so that maybe even you can understand it. Well, you see..."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now