Ino Plays Dress-up

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(Ino plays dress up with Sakura and Sasuke gets a surprise at the Halloween party; this one is a very rough draft but I wanted to post something today! It also has a little 🔞ish content at the end so be prepared.)
Sakura was downright shocked at the costume Ino had picked out for her, if you could even call that thin piece of fabric an outfit. It was definitely something the blonde would wear Sakura concluded but as for her, she didn't think she had ever worn anything so... scandalous. It looked like it would barely cover one of her ass cheeks let alone her whole body. Letting Ino get their costumes because she was too busy studying was definitely a huge mistake; she was slowly coming to realize but was it too late for her to go out and pick something else up before it was time to leave; Sakura wasn't sure but she knew she would have a fight on her hands with this one. There was no way in hell she was going to the party dressed in that. 'I mean how the hell is that thing supposed to even fit me and would it even cover anything?' "Ino," Sakura growled under her breath as her irritation with her best friend mounted. Both women stood across from each other, squaring off as they placed both hands on their hips and narrowed their eyes at one another. "What. The. Hell. Is. That?"

Ino rolled her eyes at Sakura as if she was the one that should be annoyed. "It's a costume forehead. It is a Halloween party we're going to which means we ALL have to look the part. That includes you." The smirk on her face said she was enjoying Sakura's discomfort immensely which only served to fuel the pinkette's frustration. Sakura huffed, a small frown forming in her lips.

"But it's so...," there were no words in Sakura's immense vocabulary to describe the piece of fabric Ino held between her fingers. "It's just so..."

"Fabulous? Fantastic? Spectacular," Ino offered, her eyes widening in excitement as she held the fabric up between them; admiring her choice in fashion, Sakura cringed as her frown deepened.

"Not really the words I would have used to describe it," Sakura whispered under her breath although Ino still heard her; the blonde threw the pinkette a dirty look before sticking her tongue out childishly. "What is it supposed to even be," Sakura sighed as she took a step forward and ran her fingers through her pink hair. She tilted her head to the side as she contemplated the fabric guardedly.

"It's a vampire devil, duh," Ino huffed as if it should be obvious...though it certainly was not, at least not to Sakura.

"What in the that even a thing," Sakura questioned, eyebrow raising as she stared at her best friend.

"Of course, it isn't. Vampires aren't even real forehead, everyone knows that. Now go put this on while I get ready and don't take too long or we'll be late."

Sakura groaned as Ino tossed her the costume. She paused a minute longer before finally caving and reluctantly tossed it onto her bed before stripping herself bare, having long ago left the insecurities she felt when they were younger about changing in front of her best friend. She had a little trouble when she reached her wide hips but eventually Sakura was able to pull the slick, skin-tight fabric in place and was surprised it covered more than she originally thought although when she glanced at herself in the mirror, she still couldn't hold back a cringe at the sight of how much skin was indeed still showing. The fabric clung to her petite frame like a second skin and it was almost difficult to breath. She felt stupid and turned to Ino who was already pulling on her shoes; she was just as scantly covered as surprise there though, this was Ino's element after all. "Pig, I look ridiculous," Sakura huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest, looking to the floor as embarrassment began to seep in.

"You look hot Sakura. Sasuke won't be able to keep his hands or his eyes off of you," she winked at the pinkette who's blush deepened.

"Ino-pig, don't say that!"

Ino simply rolled her eyes before taking one of Sakura's hands and dragging her out the door and down the hallway towards the stairs. "Come on or we'll be late and don't worry, you look sexy as hell."
30 minutes later....

Her boyfriend dragged his warm lips down the sensitive skin on her neck and he relished in the sound of her soft moans as their hips buckled into each other, causing a delicious friction to stir between the two. "S-Sasuke...I... I want you so badly," Sakura groaned as he moved his mouth to her collarbone. Another soft cry escaped her parted lips as she panted harshly, letting her long nails dig deeply into his pliant, pale flesh and he hissed in both pleasure and pain as his movements became wilder.

"Then let's get this costume off of you...although I'm going to miss it, but only just a little," he whispered into her ear as his long fingers tracing her hips roughly. "Because you look sexy as hell wearing it."

"So, you like it then," she moaned and he only grunted as a reply. "I don't think I can get it off easily though. It was a bitch to get on in the first place", she groaned, digging her nails further into his shoulders as she brought her hips up to gyrate roughly against his own.

"That's okay...," he hissed, bringing his hands to her sides. "I can just rip it off of you."

"But...," she was unable to finish her protest because seconds later the loud sound of fabric tearing could be heard throughout the room as Sasuke quite literally ripped the costume in two. Afterwards only the gentle moans from the two lovers could be heard as they became wrapped up in each other...a night full of passion awaiting them.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now